Harvest Time Northern Hemisphere Outdoor accuracy?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I should know this by now but I always just went by the color of the trichomes but are the given harvest times given by the Seed breeders/banks for the Northern Hemisphere a good reference for an outdoor grow done in the San Francisco bayarea? Also are the flower times given only useful for indoor grows? Thanks.
Hi, I should know this by now but I always just went by the color of the trichomes but are the given harvest times given by the Seed breeders/banks for the Northern Hemisphere a good reference for an outdoor grow done in the San Francisco bayarea? Also are the flower times given only useful for indoor grows? Thanks.
In the bay area, we still went by trichs, but the "harvest time" was good for the month. Our absolute latest were in early November.
In the bay area, we still went by trichs, but the "harvest time" was good for the month. Our absolute latest were in early November.

Thanks for the reply. I'll just use it as a loose estimation and ignore the flowertime. My guess is everything will be ready on the early side or a bit before the stated timeline.