Harvest Time?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Sorry no pics with this thread will try and post later next week. 50 days into flower today. Indica strain. Primarily made up of 12 to 18 inch Kolas (some smaller buds but not many). Started flushing 4 days ago. The Kolas are frosty, sticky and 90% 100% pistils are amber.. However, the tricinomes are clear and appear to be starting to be a little cloudy (no amber). I "ve been told previously they should be 80% cloudy. The leaves are starting to fall off and turn yellow on the most ripe plants. I know pictures would help but not in a place today where I can take them and post them. Any suggestions? Last grow I believe I harvested at about 64 days but was a whole different setup (lights the same two 400w HPS but location was different).

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Should I wait a couple more days for flushing then cut water off completely for three or so days? Thanks for your help in advance.