Harvest today or in 4 days?

Ok guys last update - I want to harvest next Tuesday (23.6)

It will be more than 18 weeks total from seed (128 days)

The thing is, I know it can be more ripped, but I have 80% brown hairs, and a LOT of amber in some of the buds (not all of them)

Can I wait till Tuesday?

Looking at the amber I am a bit worry... :neutral:

Can it be that this is the best ripeness I can get?
And that its ready?
There is really a lot of amber...

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No... It's still not ready. Nor will it be ready on Tuesday.

But everywhere I read ( and I read a lot since this thread) I get 2 indicators - 70% brown hairs and white and amber trichomes.
I haven't seen one guide that taking ripeness into account.
and I do have 70% brown hairs and a lot of amber trichomes.

What am I missing here?

For example , taken from here:


  • 50-70% brown – young, light marijuana
  • 70-90% brown – ripe, heavy marijuana
  • 90-100% brown – sharp, heavy marijuana

  • Clear trichomes – wait a bit longer
  • Milky white/amber trichomes – ready for harvest
  • All Amber trichomes – overripe

So without asking here all the time, how would I know by myself when its ready?
And shouldn't I care about too much amber?

So without asking here all the time, how would I know by myself when its ready?
Yes.... done them both.
Search all over the "done" posts.
Check against the signs.. but I see the signs, that's the point.. they look enough to me...
And everywhere I read I see the signs with photos and picture, then I am coming here to ask.

What will happen to the trichomes?
All will turn to amber?
For example - this is "ready to harvest" I took from here

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My looks not far from it
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Stop asking here and then pointing out other web pages then. That plant in that photo isn't ready either. Just because it's on the web it doesn't mean it's right.
Autos can finish and die with no amber trichomes at all.
With autos you can judge ripeness by overall look of the plant: when plant looks like it is autumn (pale green or yellow leaves) it is pushed everything it could to produce flowers and get pollinated.
People were saying "4 more weeks" 4 weeks ago. And same people say "4 more weeks" today.
You can harvest your plants.
Autos can finish and die with no amber trichomes at all.
With autos you can judge ripeness by overall look of the plant: when plant looks like it is autumn (pale green or yellow leaves) it is pushed everything it could to produce flowers and get pollinated.
People were saying "4 more weeks" 4 weeks ago. And same people say "4 more weeks" today. Your plants are foxtailing a bit, they grow for too long.
You can harvest your plants.

It's ready when it looks like autumn. Lol.
Stop asking here and then pointing out other web pages then. That plant in that photo isn't ready either. Just because it's on the web it doesn't mean it's right.

First of all, many thanks, I appreciate the help very much, don't get me wrong.

I will wait more.

But few thoughts:
Its not like someone gave me any link to any guide with photos...
Or any photo to compare with.
I had to find my photos to compare with..
And those site are consider good sites both, for example.

I also have George Carventes book, same guidelines.

Are they all wrong, include the sample photos?

So I am counting on you guys but I have nothing to compare to...
This plant is going to 19 weeks instead of 10 expected.
I know, every plant etc, but still crazy.

And amber is there
And pistils also there
And there are a lot of opinions..
I started this post 3 weeks ago and ppl wrote me 2 weeks

And I do see the ripeness that still can get more, compare to some photos, but its still not coming, while all the other signs are here, according to books, guides and method I used successfully with previous photos grows.
So maybe those plants with my feeding are in the best they can get?

So I am confused.


A great guy send me a message to watch Frenchy Cannoli about ripeness
I found this great article, on it.

Cut 1 bud off or 2 and use it to get high. To satisfy your cravings.

Also, ‘waiting’ only works if your growing conditions are favorable. Not just the plant sitting there suffering.

The only way you will will truly know is to do the experiment your self.
And also all plants are different. Some will continue to put out white hairs and continue to foxtail more little buds, so you have to cut them at some point. Show us one more pics
Also everyone could be lieing to you to cause you to do it wrong, and so that you are never successful with it, ‘they’ tell lie to keep the common folk down. They don’t want us to know! So they put us against each other, each claiming they are correct. Maybe the plant is ready sooner, when they told you you were crazy.
I may have just revealed the biggest secret, they might be coming for me now! Now, just remember one thi
Cut 1 bud off or 2 and use it to get high. To satisfy your cravings.

Also, ‘waiting’ only works if your growing conditions are favorable. Not just the plant sitting there suffering.

The only way you will will truly know is to do the experiment your self.
And also all plants are different. Some will continue to put out white hairs and continue to foxtail more little buds, so you have to cut them at some point. Show us one more pics

That what I am afraid of... maybe the plant will grow mold?
Its not looks as good as my previous photos grows...
A lot of burned leaves, leaves are looking bad

Maybe this is as good as it gets?

I took more photos

Here are some general view

Please Ignore the strange green color I used to hide some rings and tattoos :)

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Also everyone could be lieing to you to cause you to do it wrong, and so that you are never successful with it, ‘they’ tell lie to keep the common folk down. They don’t want us to know! So they put us against each other, each claiming they are correct. Maybe the plant is ready sooner, when they told you you were crazy.
I may have just revealed the biggest secret, they might be coming for me now! Now, just remember one thi
The Earth is flat too.
That what I am afraid of... maybe the plant will grow mold?
Its not looks as good as my previous photos grows...
A lot of burned leaves, leaves are looking bad

Maybe this is as good as it gets?

I took more photos

Here are some general view

Please Ignore the strange green color I used to hide some rings and tattoos :)

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If it gets to the point where burnt leaves are starting to recess in the bud it's probably time to chop it and call it. Your leaves have lots of really burnt tips and curling up indicating overfeeding. The curled tacoed serrated edges indicate a heat issue as well.

It's not like it's going to be a terrible result but just things to keep in mind for next time.