Harvest Top Colas--Let Nugz Grow


Active Member
This method is not called super-cropping,
It is a very old method called Multi-Harvesting, It takes more than a week and a half to get it out of the shock you've put it in by harvesting the top colas.
After you harvest the top cola, expect to grow for another 4 - 6 weeks if you girls haven't started to revert to veg..... Only certain strains will let you multi-harvest. the best strain for this is Strawberry Cough. you can MH atleast 2 - 3 times with no sign of stress or revert..... and for those first time growers Strawberry Cough is by far the easiest strain to grow, you double or even triple the amount of Nutrients recommended on the bottle. I tripled mine by the time flowering started. never once did I see any signs of stress or leaf burn. stayed green the whole time. ..... and the colas were a little fatter than a big can of coffee.


Active Member
Supercropping is a process in which you bend or twist the stem of the plant so as to damage the hurd, the inner piece of the stem, so as to make it grow back stronger and thicker than it was before to allow more feed from the roots to buds and leaves. what wordz described is a lot like LST but in LST colas still grow up there are just more of them because they are competing from the horizontal position of the stem.


Well-Known Member
Supercropping is a process in which you bend or twist the stem of the plant so as to damage the hurd, the inner piece of the stem, so as to make it grow back stronger and thicker than it was before to allow more feed from the roots to buds and leaves. what wordz described is a lot like LST but in LST colas still grow up there are just more of them because they are competing from the horizontal position of the stem.

We have a winner! Yes, this is supercropping, where you pench the stem as to crush the innards, it will droop shortly but will come back fatter and stronger, I have done mine so many times that they are so big I cannot crush them with my fingers...