Harvest w/ bud rot - Need advice ASAP!


Active Member
Last night, while doing routine maintenance/observation on my crop, I discovered what I'm sure is bud rot in a few colas. I'd planned on harvesting in about 4 more days but decided it I should do it ASAP. The trichs are about 60% cloudy and 20% clear, 20% amber so no big deal. I chopped off the largest colas last night and tossed all damaged areas and hung the rest to dry with a fan blowing directly on them.

I thought the bud rot was isolated but after trimming 4 plants today I see it's not isolated. I've found traces (at least I think it's traces) in a few of the lower smaller buds. What I've found so far today is very minor damage to just few buds. Granted I'm a newbie, this only my 2nd harvest, so I've never seen it before and I'm not even sure it is bud rot in some moist discolored areas near the stem/stalk. I took some pics last night but my camera doesn't really pick up the affected areas clear enough. Can anyone point me to some pics of bud rot?

My question is do I have to discard all the bud that has any sign of damage or will the drying process kill off the mold/bacteria (whatever it is) on the buds that have very minimal signs? It's already got me on verge of tears with the nice fatties I've already tossed.

I need advice ASAP because I'm already in the middle of harvest!

Also, do I need to worry about curing too? Can I still place them in glass jars in a week when they're dry or is it very likely that proper curing is going to cause mold?


Active Member
Well, I'm almost half-way done (9 out of 22 harvested). I'll finish up tomorrow night. The bud rot is not wide spread. I'd estimate I've tossed less than 5% of what I've trimmed so far that was obviously bud rot damaged but theres about another 5% that I'm not even sure it's bud rot that I left intact and is drying. The problem buds I'm finding don't even look "rotten" only a little off color and maybe a little more moist than the surrounding buds. Most areas are so minor that, for one: like I already mentioned, I'm not even sure it's bud rot (even under my 30x RS trich scope); and two: I wouldn't even have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it.

Should I still toss those ones too?
Are they more likely to cause mold during curing?
Is the scissor hash just making me paranoid?

I also found some clear "goo" under leaves and by nodes in areas near the bud rot. Is that the stuff that seeps onto the buds and causes the rot?

After I finish tomorrow I'm going to inspect every single bud again very closely and separate the suspicious looking ones I guess. I'm just going at this kind of blind until someone gives me some advice. <HINT, HINT> Thanks in advance!


Active Member
the goo is what has become of a kind nug ... such a fucking shame.
I think I spotted the problem and took action before any buds got real gooey. The substance I see is clear as water but sticky... like clear tree sap but not very thick. I agree though, the whole thing is shame.

BTW, here is a link to my first post w/ pics of the first rotting bud I found that posted in the plant problems forum yesterday: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/64638-bud-rot.html


Active Member
Well, I'm almost half-way done (9 out of 22 harvested). I'll finish up tomorrow night. The bud rot is not wide spread. I'd estimate I've tossed less than 5% of what I've trimmed so far that was obviously bud rot damaged but theres about another 5% that I'm not even sure it's bud rot that I left intact and is drying. The problem buds I'm finding don't even look "rotten" only a little off color and maybe a little more moist than the surrounding buds. Most areas are so minor that, for one: like I already mentioned, I'm not even sure it's bud rot (even under my 30x RS trich scope); and two: I wouldn't even have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it.

Should I still toss those ones too?
Are they more likely to cause mold during curing?
Is the scissor hash just making me paranoid?

I also found some clear "goo" under leaves and by nodes in areas near the bud rot. Is that the stuff that seeps onto the buds and causes the rot?

After I finish tomorrow I'm going to inspect every single bud again very closely and separate the suspicious looking ones I guess. I'm just going at this kind of blind until someone gives me some advice. <HINT, HINT> Thanks in advance!

So did u harvest and dry and cure and smoke them? hows they taste, more importantly i found some rot on 2 of my colas, the smell is so weird, did u have a weird smell?


Active Member
Well, I'm almost half-way done (9 out of 22 harvested). I'll finish up tomorrow night. The bud rot is not wide spread. I'd estimate I've tossed less than 5% of what I've trimmed so far that was obviously bud rot damaged but theres about another 5% that I'm not even sure it's bud rot that I left intact and is drying. The problem buds I'm finding don't even look "rotten" only a little off color and maybe a little more moist than the surrounding buds. Most areas are so minor that, for one: like I already mentioned, I'm not even sure it's bud rot (even under my 30x RS trich scope); and two: I wouldn't even have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it.

Are they more likely to cause mold during curing?
Is the scissor hash just making me paranoid?

I also found some clear "goo" under leaves and by nodes in areas near the bud rot. Is that the stuff that seeps onto the buds and causes the rot?

After I finish tomorrow I'm going to inspect every single bud again very closely and separate the suspicious looking ones I guess. I'm just going at this kind of blind until someone gives me some advice. <HINT, HINT> Thanks in advance!
I am dealing with same issue.....only 2 1/2 grams got bud rot...my bud rot was because rain and humidity been crazy here and my strain is super icy and moist to begin with. U reacted logically as I did same thing, cut, tossed bad and kept good...yes even the buds that I chopped the mold from...just be aware and careful. If unsure toss it....relax it couldve been worse. Keep fans on an always inspect. Trust Ur instincts...works for me...I will be more aware of rain next time and manually dry buds after rainfall during late flower stage...u live and learn
Should I still toss those ones too?


Active Member
Ignore should I.toss them too? That was part of Ur quote LOL anyway if unsure abt bud Havin more rot..throw away and focus on the drying and proper curing of unaffected bud...focus on positive


Active Member
i also have this problem, it must have been too humid when i was drying because now the buds smell really weird none of it has actually rotted away but it looks like there may be traces of mold/mildew but it almost looks like trichomes and the buds all look quite discolored , ive got 35 grams alltogether you think it's worth making it all into hash ,and will the hash be safe to smoke?- I hope im wrong and just being paranoid.