Harvest (Weight/Yield)


Well-Known Member
Ok I recently put my plants into 12/12. No signs of sex yet. But I wondering if any exsperienced growers who actually have growed could tell me roughly how much dried weight my plants will yield. I plan to flush my plants really soon and also was wondering if flowering nutes will help my yield (bigger)? Plants are each around 7"-8" with about 12 nodes. Also this is a CFL grow btw.



Well-Known Member
whatup buddy, i would say a good couple of ounces, they will dub or trip in height and width, but they are kinda small to be 12/12ing unless they are clones in which case, holla back and do it, and props to 2Litre pop bottles for pots, thats haggard yo i did the same shit, just make sure you use some crazy tape over the clear parts cause i heard sunlight stresses roots and makes the plant turn herm or male depending on time of life GL tho bro


Well-Known Member
I'd guess a half oz. per female but that's so random. What kind of light are you using?
Hopefully you get at least one female


Asshole Patrol
Dually, you have great looking plants so far. Great spacing on nodes.

What's your lighting set up? Have you given them any fertilizers yet? Canna is correct that your plants will double, if not triple in size between the start of 12/12 and harvest. They do look a little less than mature. Typically youre going to want to wait until you have preflowers, which are little "balls" right in the area where branch meets stem. Most of how your plants turn out will depend on how well you treat them and the environment that you provide for them.

Looks like you have a good start thus far. I would say you might get lucky with a zip off each of them when all is said and dried. Stay patient! The first grow is always the hardest cause you want it to be done so fast!

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
PERSONALLY...I'd have let them grow another inch or so - but if your thinking of space then its probably right...

...Nobody can say how much your gonna get - but i'm gonna say this right now, DOUBLE UP ON THE CFLS! (i dunno how many you got but you'll need to double them up for flowering or at least add one more bright one per plant - I only bought one extra for my 2 plants, and I've not got a BAD amount for first grow...but how big COULD it have been if I had a couple more lights...?)

Add some Vitalink Buddy or some "Big Bud" and that'll help a lot I think...!

Also I've been using Baby Bio for feeding - use some of that or whatever your using so far along with the budding stuff and your plants will love you for it...

Whats the saying...? "Love the plant and the plant will love you back"?

Hell, I like that - thats gonna be my sig!

Rock on man!


Well-Known Member
Yea im thinking about making a better light setup. The way it is right now aint cutting it, although they are doing great. This grow was intended just to be successful. Dont want anything amazing or huge yield. Just exsperiment. I wanted to keep them small so thats why I vegged for two weeks then stuck em in 12/12. They will mature and flower on their own. Just a matter of time. *Patience young grasshopper*


Well-Known Member
WOW. Preflowers are little balls at the nodes? Cause today I seen balls there so I cut them down cause I thought they were males! OMG!!!