

Active Member
Hi i harvest 1x big bang auto

I dry hanging and cut up and put in a paper bag after now in a coffee jar this is how it looks
The ball calyx? with the pistol they have gone all whiteish


Does this look ok ?

- still growing big bang autoIMG_0338.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hi i harvest 1x big bang auto

I dry hanging and cut up and put in a paper bag after now in a coffee jar this is how it looks
View attachment 2790114
The ball calyx? with the pistol they have gone all whiteish
View attachment 2790115

View attachment 2790116

Does this look ok ?

- still growing big bang autoView attachment 2790117
how many days in flower was she? and what type of set-up do you have? what are you using for nutes?

personally, it looks harvested early maybe?..there's kinda no bud on there..but it may be me so if you can answer above, I can help.

EDIT: i see it's auto so that's part of the problem..unless you have low light conditions outdoors planting, i would stay away from autos they are not big yielders..IMO


Active Member
well its an autoflower and it was dying so i cut it and use bio bloom and grow not alot and its past 2 months recommend for auto
it look ok though not mouldy?


Well-Known Member
well its an autoflower and it was dying so i cut it and use bio bloom and grow not alot and its past 2 months recommend for auto
never go by what the breeder says..just use it as general range..

EDIT: how do you know it was dying?..the plant starts to fade when it ripens..those leaves look too nice for fade..IMO


Well-Known Member
typically the bud swells then it starts to fade (die)..i'm not seeing bud swell here but could be because it's an automatic..try to stay away from them..i only grow them when they come in free for an order placed at seed bank..


Active Member
So what do you mean swell and then die , i probably should of left it longer i just waited for all hairs to go brown pretty much then cut it, the leafs were dying but were okish, and on my one still growing all fan leafs are yellow and dying brown crisp but rest are still green, i think i should of waited longer on the other but was worried, can you please explain what you mean by it swells then starts to die, this first time i have grown so i appreciate your help dude


Well-Known Member
I couldnt pm you but how much longer u think by the pic my plant will need? to finish i can show more pics?
do you have the hand held magnifier from radio shack to look at the trichomes?..if not get one it's 10$, you need to recognize when they are done through that..read up on trichomes and figure out how you think you'd like them..most go for 100% milky with 1-5% ambers..personally i like heavy amber for the couch lock on indica's..