

Think it’s time to harvest when I do do I water it then do it a couple days later as in cut it down? My hairs are all mostly turned there color an tric are jus about milky white jus waterd today


First time growing I guess it isn’t to bad? I feel like I’ve asked these questions a million times jus don’t wanna ruin such a pretty piece


Well-Known Member
Small leafy bud, most of your trich be on the leaf so keep that part when you trim bud and use for smoke when your out or seperate into hash or whatever concentrate isnt presently killing folks.

I always get quality shit when my buds look like that so fingers crossed you are gonna love this smoke.

Ya ten days if weather permits then chop as others suggest :-)


Small leafy bud, most of your trich be on the leaf so keep that part when you trim bud and use for smoke when your out or seperate into hash or whatever concentrate isnt presently killing folks.

I always get quality shit when my buds look like that so fingers crossed you are gonna love this smoke.

Ya ten days if weather permits then chop as others suggest :-)
Sweet! Yea every time I look at other plants mine doesn’t look like those an I figured I fucked up somewhere but jus didn’t know where an you guys help me out so much thanks to you all!