Harvested my plants, dry n cure them. but now doesn't smell dank and not potent.


Active Member
Hi guys, i really need help. here is the story: harvested my plants, manicure them, dry them, and let them cure for about a week in a lightproof tent. temperature inside tent varies from 23 degree celcius during day and 20degrees at night, RH is about 48%. After 5 days of drying, bud seem dry. cure them in airtight jar for 1 week, burping the bud evryday (let them jars open for about 3 to 4hours). I must say that after drying there is almost no smell and the potency is like u are smoking plain cigarette. The strain is ak48 from nirvana. it's my second grow, and the same thing happen with my first grow (i had to throw away 14 ounces of dry bud the last time), and it seems that i have to do the same thing again. So, guys what am i doing wrong? could it be the strain. by the way I've waited till the thrych become milky to harvest them. here is a picture of the bud when still wet.Any suggestion that may help me save some of my bud cuz I've got 2 more plants to harvest and if i can het something out of them that will be great.


phenix white

Active Member
looks under devolped way to much greenery plain instead of trichs..i dont know man that suxxxxxx. i had 1 bad grow was Northern Lights from Pyramid seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yea Mab like phenix said too much greenery instead of trichs. i think this harvest dude u should pull when the trichs are mostly amber(70% amber 30% milky) so u can guarantee that body high


Well-Known Member
i grew out 10 of there ak48 from seed , , they all sucked ass
even let one go 17 weeks , still garbage


Well-Known Member
You can let them go to long too. AK-48 is only supposed to go for 7-8 weeks flowering. When they go too long the THC breaks down into something else and you lose the high. Im growing ak-48 aswell and have the rough timeline of when its supposed to be done flowering

Most people here at RIU say dont go by the weeks or the colour of the hairs but to actually look at the trics. they are the real only deciding factor in when to harvest Also take a look at the trics when they are no where neer ready to harvest so you know what clear looks like to get a better judge on what clear and milky and amber look like.


Well-Known Member
lol , i have harvested them when the trichs were milky, cloudy , amber , and a mix
7 weeks 8 weeks 9 weeks . . .. still no good


Well-Known Member
There are two things going on here.
One: The plant was not grown in optimal conditions. If it was, then it would be awesome and ripe in the time you gave it.
Two: You did not recognize that the plant was not yet ripe and harvested early.

basically, stop looking at the calendar. Also, you ARE using a magnifying lens of 30X to look at trichs, right? Or what?

Here is a pic of a white widow nug i just dried. It is so covered in trichomes that it is ridiculous. THAT is when you pick a nug.

so just have more patience next time and let us help you dial your grow in. sorry for your loss.


Active Member
Could also be a bad pheno. I grew some nirvana strains and it was hit or miss with the phenos. Most were nice... but a select few were kinda swaggy no matter when i would harvest.


Well-Known Member
Don't throw away those buds, make oil or water cure them. I'm doing an ak grow right now and I'm just waiting for them to swell


Active Member
yeah, i was thinking that i harvested too early b4, so i let one plant goes for about 12 weeks into flowering and nothing good came out of it


Active Member
oh i used a 60x magnifying glass. the only thing that may have done wrong is the temperature control, sometime it went up to 30degrees celcius, but most of the time it was around 24degrees celcius. anyway thanks for all ur comments and recommendation.


Well-Known Member
30 degree weather should not matter if only for a few days. Cali, Afghanistan, those places get hotter than 30 and grow some sick weed. I hope my ak's dont do the same. we will find out in about 4-6 weeks more or less.


Well-Known Member
30C is OK at times... If you are in hydro, tho, 30C air usually translates to 30C reservoir temps, which makes the amount of dissolved oxygen close to zero in the solution and then leads to anaerobic bacterial overgrowth... 30C soil temps probably just increase the metabolism of the microbes and fungi, etc...

It is hard to say what the issue was...

If you can get a clone from a known plant and run it all the way through, you can see if you get the same results as where it came from.
Otherwise, the pheno is not very good or you have some other issues that are hard to pinpoint.
You have done well, so don't give up. We all face horrible mistakes and stupendous mysteries from time to time. It is how well we pick up and get moving from these that really shows that we care about what we do and makes us good growers.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I agree it looks too immature. My nirvana ak48 was wicked. Seems to take me 9-10 weeks with it in soil under 1000 watt hps.