Super bud smaells like 1000 different smells. pine, lemon, coca cola,so many i can go on forever. and cause its part big bud and part greenhouse skunk. It yields great and it grows quick (ghsc skunk finishes quick). And the super is potent.
the satori is a mindfuck the most powerful sativa under 6 feet. this shit is no joke. you dont want to rip it to hard or your going to be sillied out beyond your wildest belief. i smoked a whole joint to my head once and lauged for a half hour. Everything i saw made me laugh. this stuff is not for lightweights, or people with serious anxiety. but if your into getting fucked up, this is a good plant to take you there. i love it. i smoked some today and i was strait trippin. i had a good time tho.
i think its going to be a real sucsess as a cross. i wont be calling it super satori tho. i was going to call it O.D. But if im going to name a strain after myself, i want to make sure its good, and stable. Ill wait until i try it before i name it.
one wierd note about the seeds tho. anyone whos grown satori know the seeds are different than most. they are huge, have a crazy shell pattern. they are genuinly impressive. the cross seeds are not. they are completly average. maybe its because the seeds were born from a super momma and satori daddy. i wonder if they had have been born from a satori momma if they would have been big. i guess ill have to find some pollen and pollenate a satori to see. i made more satori seeds and they look like how the ones from mandala came, but a little darker in colour, but with same stripes. these seeds were huge as well.
and ive been thinking of trying something with cannabis. instead of ever allowing it to inbreed, keep on mating new genetics, and seeing what happens. tgink about how people dont inbreed. and we all come out unique, so maybe if i used a bunch of deverse and dank shit, just to see what happens.
But im not worried abot that yet.
bear, this thread is brilliant, and i cant wait to take a trip next year. i might have to see you, kite and milovan all on the same trip. you guys are all west coast, and i cuold start by stoping off, seeing you, then milovan, then ill see kire. all trade with all you guys, and if i do it right, i could stop back to see you on the way back and drop off a little bit of erryones stuff. if i do it right, i could spread around a little bit of what i pick up to all you guys. one trip, 4 growers trading. and i know theres a few more american amigos on my friends list. man this could be big. trading seeds and pollen could be cool on this scale. im pretty glad i joined this site. i was pretty alone since leaving van, without sara its been hard, having no one to really talk to about growing.
and getting to meet a bunch of growers from all over is pretty cool. im looking forward to meeting shawn at the treating yourself expo.
damnnn. Ive traveled all over but never grow related. Now i really have something to look forward to. once my buddy gets home, its trip time. i cant be gone for like 2 months if i have to keep raccoons outta this old muthafucka.
but im stoked. i cant wait until next month, and then next spring. anual meet a grower or two road trips!!! amazing!!!