Well-Known Member
Dude! Check me out! I lift weights n stuff bro' HOW LAME!

yea if he is tellin the truth he better show some without the tags.haha. lets see them same pics without the 420 magazine on it.
roflmao!!!put up some more pics, or are you too busy lifting weights an stuff bro'?
I agree -rep, you aint got to lie to kick it, sucka.haha, -rep for the OP. you aint gotta lie to kick it.
a 13 year guys chizill man. this would just be a waste of time if he didnt grow lol. what person would do that in their spare time.
huh?? im probably older thn im 29... go back and read the posts... you obviously have no clue what we are talking about bye Captain if your 13 teen
If you find my corresponding journal, you can read how it all went down.
This was my first female, and I didnt know she was a female till she was already malnutritioned and plauged by bugs.
haha this is some funny shiti would think it's a stolen grow ....for 1 if im on multi sites my user name will be the same 2 my make shift grow pics wont have sum magazine web site all over them3 you gotta give em credit for a gr8 copy and paste job cyber pic jacka SMDH whewwww all this typing is just like doing 4 reps of 30 and stuff
well he is jackin it from someone do you think the guy who REALLY GREW this wood feel about it?I don't know if i'm too blasted (like that's possible right?) but I can't really tell if all you guys are joking or not... even if he did steal the grow and is posing, is that really cause to harass him about something so trivial as his sig?
I would too, buy I think we all chased him off of his own thread.LOL!yea if he posted some pics i wood apologize.