Harvesting and Curing Question.


Though We are not at this point yet, the question is still on my mind. As you all know I am new at this. I have done alot, and i mean alot of research with my girlfriend and we just about have the grow factor down pact.

Know im posting this because I orginally was going to have a friend cure my tree for us, But my girlfriend insisted that she wanted to do it her self. Im just looking for the best way to harvest and cure and autoflower plant. :o


Well-Known Member
Cut the branches off and hang dry for 3-5days depending on bud size...basically til crisp on outside...trim buds off branches and place in brown paper bag for 12 hours....take em outta bag for 12...back in the bag...do this for two days...then jars....the idea is when crispy on outside put em jar for a few hours then chk em...if spongy agn leave em outta jar til crispy...bk in jar...repeat process til uve drawn all the moisture from the center of the buds...this is why they go in and out of brown bag then jars....ur drawing the moisture out


Well-Known Member
Pretty simple process, but you can ruin your whole crop if you do it incorrectly.

-Start by harvesting your plants(you can either trim your buds wet or dry) and leaving them to hang/dry in a preferably DARK room as light degrades THC after it has been harvested!
-You also want to have some air circulation in the room but you do NOT want air blowing directly on your freshly picked buds because it will cause some to dry to fast which takes away from the taste of your final product.
-Let your buds hang for 4-7 days(varies depending on conditions) until the stems are nearly dry enough to snap. Meaning the stems should bend over or slightly break when bent.
-Cut your buds from the branches and store in CLEAN mason jars and again store your jars in a dark area if possible. You will want to open your jars once every day or two to allow for air exchange and let some of the excess moisture escape.

That is pretty much it in a nutshell the biggest thing once you get your buds into the jars is to make sure things are not overly damp which can and will cause your crop to mold. Your buds should will soften up a bit while drying and then harden back up as the finish drying, if once you store your buds you open it and they have softened up again they are too moist and you need to leave the jars open for an hour or two. There is a sweet spot you need to hit in order to get your buds into the "cure zone" to wet and you get mold, to dry and you end up with crappy tasting bud.

Sorry if all the information seems a bit random or confusing, I am happy to clear up any confusion I may have caused. :-)

Bast of luck to you