Harvesting causing a THC test failure


Well-Known Member
So I haven't smoked since June 10. I'm expecting a drug test here pretty soon from a new employer so I've been trying to get it out of my system. I bought some THC urine test strips off amazon and been testing myself every week or so.

A couple of weeks ago I was testing clean. However, I harvested a plant less than a week ago and today I took another urine test out of curiosity and tested positive for THC.

I haven't smoked, I haven't even been around smoke, but I have technically touched marijuana. I did some trimming with latex gloves on and I've moved some buds around without gloves on. Has anyone else experienced this? I've taken two tests today just to make sure and I failed the second one as well.
Cannabinoids are definitely osmotic, which means that they can and are absorbed by the skin. This is the reason that topical applications exist. Also keep in mind that drug tests do no test for the presence of cannabinoids themselves but instead test for metabolites that are present after your body has metabolized the cannabinoids.
Just as possible your body started breaking down dome fat cells for energy, which is where the thc is hiding... Could be 2 week old smoke coming back to haunt ya, lol.

Hammer down a shit ton of unsweetened tea few hrs b4 ur test.... you will pee nothing but water, but the tea will tint it, so they wont be like "well this is clearly gonna need a lab test"
Thanks all. I took another test this morning at my second piss. An hour after drinking coffee and and a glass of water the test showed a faint line meaning a negative result. I guess I'm pissing clean again.

I think the overall concentration (lack of water/hydration) can definitely give a positive result. Up until June 10 I would consider myself a heavy smoker. I'd smoke 2-3 joints a day and hit a bowl every 5-30 mins or so. Nevertheless, I'm going to be careful when I handle ganja cause I don't want to risk this new gig.

I found this study done in Germany https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26097164 apparently trans-dermal contact can cause a positive result

"Based on these results, it can be concluded that at least parts of the THC as well as the major part of THCA-A found in routine hair analysis derives from external contamination caused by direct transfer through contaminated fingers."
That was a hair test, but shit. Speaking of shit, I'll be sure to load up on laxatives. Haha!

Man once this test is over I'm going to get so blazed...
Take a laxative, most of the stuff goes out your arse....

Wow ...... Hahahaha
