HARVESTING: Getting Higher CBD Levels

Hey, if you want high CBD then you have to grow a high cbd strain.
I can vouch for CBD Cream and Cheese.
18% CBD + 22% THC
Its effects are just great!
Not HOW you harvest, but WHEN. Late harvest is thought to give higher CBD levels.

You got it backwards. CBD is couchlock, body stone and THC is racey trippy head high.

This is also backwards. From all that I've read, THC degrades into CBD AND CBN when the trichs start turning amber in late harvest

EDIT: actually yesum may be right about THC only degrade into CBN.

Nah thc is couch and thc-v is trippy
I call bullshit on those numbers, although I do agree that CBD percentage is mainly driven by genetics.

The effects of the CBD cream and cheese are unlike any ive ever had.
It doesnt matter if you call bs. ill keep growing it because it gives me the right feels.
I really like CBD in my bud. helps me not freak out completely.
The effects of the CBD cream and cheese are unlike any ive ever had.
It doesnt matter if you call bs. ill keep growing it because it gives me the right feels.
I really like CBD in my bud. helps me not freak out completely.
That's great, but I'd sure like to see those lab test results you are quoting. I'm not doubting that it's great stuff, but I do doubt most tests above 30% cannabinoids. What lab did you use that gave you those results?
The effects of the CBD cream and cheese are unlike any ive ever had.
It doesnt matter if you call bs. ill keep growing it because it gives me the right feels.
I really like CBD in my bud. helps me not freak out completely.
it's not about the effect. but your numbers seem to imply that the weight of the trichomes net a 40percent of the total mass of the dried buds. and thats not even counting the other cannabinoids. your buds must be supersticky totally shining white.