Harvesting timing


Well-Known Member
So my plants reach the eight week mark on the 14. As of now the trichs are 5 -10% amber. I have to go out of town on the 21-22. My question is after drying until the stems snap when I put the nugs into jars to cure can I leave the nugs in the jars for a couple days without mold forming? Or would it be best to hang the plants while I am out of town and begin to cure when I get back?


Well-Known Member
I'd begin curing when you get back just to be safe. I just got back from out of town over the weekend, cut a plant right before I left, and gunna jar it tonight.


Well-Known Member
I'd begin curing when you get back just to be safe. I just got back from out of town over the weekend, cut a plant right before I left, and gunna jar it tonight.

I would agree...you'd rather be safe than sorry

Dry bud is better than no/moldy bud