Harvesting today


Well-Known Member
Sooo, when I cut my kids today, Ima hang them to dry for a couple days, do they have to be in an area that is has total darkness, or is that just for the curing process?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Light doesnt matter when they are cut down. No more Growing at this point.
Happy Smoking
Except that light can degrade thc, and also cause chlorophyl to not degrade. So yes, if you like less potent weed that smells and tastes like hay, light doesn't matter when they are cut down. If on the other hand you want a quality product you will dry and cure in darkness.


Active Member
dark,cool place with air slightly circulating.. humidity 40-55% about,temps about 50-65 sounds good to me..

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
i know hps light isnt good but i dnt think the 26watt cfl in ur ceiling will hurt it lol
You can think what you want and smoke your chlorophyll weed, while I puff my dank. Chlorophyll needs to degrade, and it won't degrade in the light. You like weed that tastes like hay?


Active Member
my weed never taste like hay only did wen i chopped to early. fixed that problem and ive been smokin beautiful kush every day. my 26 watt in my ceiling does nothing lol