Harvesting under a full moon

anyone heard of harvesting outdoor plants under a full moon that the gravitational pull makes the buds better or anything like that a friend wanted me to ask and how to keep animals away from the plants (in the woods slightly) or any other outdoor tips Thanks
There's a new way of harvesting where you use your buttcheeks to pluck the buds off the plant.... apparently the full moon brings the flavour out!
I've heard that just like the tides, gravity affects water weight of the buds and how much weight you'll lose during the drying process depends on not only how dry the soil was when you harvested it but where the moon was in her cycle. I haven't seen proof of it but definitely makes sense, seen my share of neap tides growing up. If there's a time to plant with the moon cycles, seems there would be a time to harvest. Llewellyn's moon guide taps into it a bit, not too far from the farmer's almanac just a little more in depth.
I've heard that just like the tides, gravity affects water weight of the buds and how much weight you'll lose during the drying process depends on not only how dry the soil was when you harvested it but where the moon was in her cycle. I haven't seen proof of it but definitely makes sense, seen my share of neap tides growing up. If there's a time to plant with the moon cycles, seems there would be a time to harvest. Llewellyn's moon guide taps into it a bit, not too far from the farmer's almanac just a little more in depth.
Wow...this thread.

Watch out if you are out for a stroll on a full moon. You may get sucked into space!!
Pretty interesting article, 10% difference in water weight harvesting waxing near full - harvesting closer to a new moon and more starch utilization during full, also more sap flow during waxing-full moon...
I can't tell if it really works better than other ways, mainly because I did it always like that, and is not coming from cannabis cultivation but for every thing that grow in my farm and is not a joke. I respect almost 100% of the time (if I can) full moon phases for transplant, cloning and germinate seeds, I'm 99% sure that full moon or close, aerial parts grow more while with little or not moon, is the root zone what grow more, there are old farmers around here that never ever are gonna prune their fruits trees in full moon neither, which make sense to me, who knows, maybe we are still just some tribal people, but I promise we never ever do dance around full moon xD

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