Harvesting ways outside?


Active Member
ok well i have 15 plants 2 weeks old growing
i live with my parents
and i cannot dry inside they despise weed
and i love it
i need to dry it in the woods
once im done growing
what are some ideas


first, how old are you??
second; if your parents "despise weed", you definately should NOT be growing on their property; as you are putting them at more risk than you can imagine.


Well-Known Member
could you do it in like an attic or somehting, if not you could just hang them up from strings in a rubbermaid container w/ air holes on the sides. I think the moisture in the air may cause it to take longer, but should eventually get done. Good Luck


Active Member
im 16
and my parents dont care honestly
i am not growing on their property
there is a giant area of woods
owned by an old hag
the floor is covered in poisen ivy and thorns
i cleared out an area and have been growing
nobody cept me goes back there
and thanks for the info aqueous


Active Member
It's possible, I'd say find the lowest point out in your giant area of woods and set up some card board boxes with green or brown tarp hung above them. String some fishing line inside to hang your buds and maybe cut a big venting hole low on the side. Basically mold is your problem since air exchange is limited but you want them to stay in the dark. I would check them daily to open the boxes or replace them if they get wet.


have you talked to them about you growing on their prop? i'm sure they care more than you think. and you say you're 16? :mrgreen: gogrow packs a bowl and awaits the inevitable....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
why the hell would i ask him
hed turn my ass in
yeh im 16 doesnt mean i gotta go tell some old guy im growin ganja on his woods
When you join this site you agree that your 18 and a bunch of other stuff i cant remember:blsmoke: so now that we all know your not 18 good luck getting a response from the good growers on here.as for your question all you could do is build a drying box because theres lots of things that can fuck up your bud by leaving them outside.:roll: