Has anone here made a true all mj cigar?


Well-Known Member
Only an Oregon medical card holder would be legal for me to share with, no reason to come from anywhere else I couldn't risk someone being a fed or whatever, not even Vancouver Wa cardholders though I'm right nextdoor to them in Portland. sorry...
Terchnically I'd have to turn away any underage (21) oregon cardholders too because that tecnicality has been used to screw people before. Sad you can be dying and I couldn't even share. :(


Well-Known Member
its all good, i was playin around anyway. i doubt many people would travel to another state to smoke the sickest blunt of all time

you have all of my respect man, i cant wait to move so i can grow legally


Active Member
Yo O.M., Nah the spots in Cali don't sell these or similar, from the dispensaries I was in there they have multiple hashes, crystals, presses, pre-rolled j's, edibles, drinkables, clones, nuggs, and some sell pipes and accessories too. Even hemp clothing was available at one spot...


Active Member
i just bought a poster at college with that on there haha i almost disregarded it as possible when i saw it then i started to dream, and now im growing =] im making one with my first grow if that counts hah. i wont be using a thai stick, it will probably be a piece of bamboo or a chopstick or something along the lines, or a nice stem.
if it doesnt cure for a long time it will taste like crap.. ^^ I'd rather have one of those 100.00 joints FDD posted about buying.. it had a layer of hash. Like a nougety layer mmmMMmm

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Fdd slaps a big gooey hunk of bubble hash on a pen, molds it into the pen shape(tube)...takes the pen out, and then stuffs weed in the pure hash tube(wrap)......CRAZY! lol


Well-Known Member
not quite like this... i rolled the joint in a paper then spread oil around it and then wraped it in leaves... dried for a day and smoked it.... another cool joint is fdd's 100$ doobie


Well-Known Member
i did it once years ago... took me about 30 tries to get it to roll up, i used honey to 'paint' the fans together. took awhile to get the timing right, let the honey harden up a bit before you try to roll... make sure the leaves are still somewhat damp so they will stay pliable. it was really a pain in the ass tho and it didnt smoke worth a damn. i was thinking about it reading this thread and i wonder if you did this with really fresh bud and leaves then let it cure out in a mason jar it might work better, cause the biggest problem i had was keeping it lit and then wanting to fall apart cuz the leaves were so soft and still damp, if it all dried out evenly and cured it would prolly workout better imho bongsmilie

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
Only an Oregon medical card holder would be legal for me to share with, no reason to come from anywhere else I couldn't risk someone being a fed or whatever, not even Vancouver Wa cardholders though I'm right nextdoor to them in Portland. sorry...
Terchnically I'd have to turn away any underage (21) oregon cardholders too because that tecnicality has been used to screw people before. Sad you can be dying and I couldn't even share. :(
damn im on the wrong side of the river


Well-Known Member
damn im on the wrong side of the river
The crop wasn't ready in time to do them this year anyway so now it's postponed until next year. I'll make them when this crop is done and they'll age in a humidor for several months until next hears hempfest or hempstalk whichever fits my schedule.

Sometimes things just get passed around at those festivals and it's hard to keep track of who's legal or not.

This year my bong somehow showed up at hempstalk (portlands hempfest) and just for a while before this hippy lady's cookie kicked in it was getting passed around a lot in view of everyone right in middle crowd in front of the stage. (I am not going to go hide in a corner to smoke at hemp festivals.)

Then I had to go lay down because of that damn cookie, and that was it for the festival I was done...