Has anybody taken California Weed out of State Successfully?


Well-Known Member
Id suggest driving it out of the state yourself. UPS/FEDEX is a bad idea imo. Ups and fedex are private companies (unlike usps which is a gov agency) so ups and fedex can open the package at any point for any reason as its "their property" while in their possession. they dont need a warrant or anything (unlike usps who DOES need a warrant).

so you're asking for trouble unless you dont leave a return addy and/or send it to a location that no one lives and have a buddy intercept it (ie. a foreclosed home, etc) otherwise they could question the person receiving it and they turn on you, etc.

ups/fedex isnt a good idea imo.

just watch never get busted again for pointers. my advice is pack like you're going on vacation (complete with a cooler in the car, etc. ) and either pack it in a mason jar with your luggage OR put it in food (thats the best/safest idea imo)


Well-Known Member
you can ship it through any carrier if you do it right. Hollow out some candles, line inside em with peanut butter and vaseline, vacuum sealed bags inside, use a can lid (tuna fish, soup, etc) to recap the candle and melt the wax to make it look normal. Dogs cant smell it, xray cant see it, as long as theyre not using organic scanners youre good. And since I've only seen those in afghanistan and high-security buildings, you probably dont have to worry about it.