has anybody Taken LSD before


Active Member
its nothing like E. if you dont know enough to know that then dont take it. it can seriously change your personality dramatically in a matter of hours.


Active Member
not worth it. I tried it and i felt like my brain was fried for the next day and a half after the trip. the trip should last an average 12 hrs but mine went on for 16 hrs with a long recovery of another day. it was fun while it lasted but wouldnt do it again


Well-Known Member
whenever i have questions about a drug i check out erowid first. its a good site. theres info and trip reports for like...every drug out there...good luck!


Well-Known Member
LSD is fine AGbags, just be sure that whatever setting you're in, it's pleasant and unnerving. Make sure you're in an awesome state of mind before doing it, be happy and not stressful, this may take days to come to but you need to be sure you have no stresses on your mind and you'll be fine. Think of it as exploring your mind and world in a new point of view, not as anything bad. It's been 5-6 years since my last trip, and I'm ready for my next one as soon as I touch down in AK... will be so amazing doing sitting by a bay over looking a glacier and beyond that tall, tall mountains... oh I'm getting all excited, I need to get to sleep or I won't make my flight!