Has Anybody Used Aurora Innovations, Roots Organics (Plant Nutrients)?


Has anybody had any luck using these products? Any tips, recommendations, or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I live in Eugene, Or. thats where Roots Organics come from. I can tell you honestly that the soil is not as good as FFOF in the veg stage. Therefore by the time it gets to flower it's just soil. The Extreme Serene is a must in my garden for foilar and once a week. Trinity is aother I keep being it works well with the E.S. I am using there Budda Bloom and HPK I think they are ok, but there is much better, like Humboldts. I am using them now.
Hey D,
I have used both Buddha's, bloom and grow, and they are pretty decent for bottled nutes, but the best way is to just build your soil from the beginning, using Roots 707 as a base, and throwing down some pumice, kelp, alfalfa, guanos, etc. I like worm castings, but in tea form, as they can sludge up the soil. There is a whole bunch of stuff other than the above, and the more diverse the better. Don't use FFOF or happy Frog (made me very SAD, gnats, dammit) whatever you do. My roots noots are sitting in a corner collecting dust now that I built my soil up. Mainly just water, some teas here and there, and thats it! WAY better results, in my personal experience. Good luck.


Active Member
I just got some roots organics oregonism XL, i heard it worked really well, i also got some Myco Grow off of fungi.com. I heard mycorrhiaze is some of the best stuff you can do for your plants in terms of size, helps colonize your roots and give you better nutrient uptake


Well-Known Member
I was using Roots Organic Organism xxl until I found Humboldts Mycro Madness. Like way better when it comes to % of mychorrhiaze, etc. Look it up.

FFOF is the best soil I have found. I will always stand for it. SO if gnats are a problem, use Nematodes. I had gnats so bad I was pissed, went out and bought one sponge of nematodes and less that 8 days I was 100% gnat free.


Well-Known Member
Different strokes, I suppose. What is this sponge you speak of? Eight days, really? Where might I get one?
Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic warriors that kill soil borne pests such as flea larvae, spidermites, fungus gnat, weevils, grubs, rootworms, cutworms, and many more. These Nematodes search, find, and kill pests living in the soil. They are extremely effective, and will reproduce and spread to provide you with long lasting organic pest control.

Any local Nursery will have them, just ask them. There are millions and they are on a sponge that is packaged. You just set it in water for a hour I think then pour into containers/soil. They come to live and eat all the little gnat eggs.

Home Depot has them, there called Ladies in red.
Very cool...do I need one for each container, or will one sponge serve multiple containers? Been using Neem drenches, with mixed results


Well-Known Member
I soak the sponge in a 3 gallon container then do the math to see how many gallons I need to water all containers and add nematode water to each gallon.


Active Member
ive used the RO line and have nothing bad to say about it save for it seems to be lacking boron (for sure) and perhaps some other mycro nuts. extream serene and trinity are my ultimate favs. can always tell when you start watering with that stuff. goodtimez


Well-Known Member
I like ES, good stuff.
ive used the RO line and have nothing bad to say about it save for it seems to be lacking boron (for sure) and perhaps some other mycro nuts. extream serene and trinity are my ultimate favs. can always tell when you start watering with that stuff. goodtimez


I like ES, good stuff.
The es is good, but it costs allot. I use all roots products but am probably switching to humboldt. Ill probably keep the trinity and hp2, i like the thought of guano around. but i think some roots products are a can be pricey the thing i like about humboldt nutrients is that they all seem pretty fairly priced, and the deuce deuce sounds amazing. oh yeah and about the hp2 vs hpk, hps npk is 0-4-0, hpk is 0-5-4 or somthing close to that, really the only difference is the potassium, hp2 is for coco soils(because coco soils have more k then peatmoss) and hpk is for peat moss based mixes, thats what a guy at roots says, i looked it up on another fourm.


New Member
I use the extreme serene during vegetative, and use trinity, HPK and HP2 along with some other nutes during flowering. I would recommend it! Oh, and I use Ancient Amber during veg, too.


Well-Known Member
Humic acid is very important. Yeah I encourage you to try another product besides Roots. You may be pleasantly surprised. I am happy with my Humboldts Naturals and the 22 is good stuff.


man, I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about Dr. Earth soils and ferts. The products are similar to FF, but have higher quality ingredients IMO (including myccorhizae, bacteria microbes, and humic acid) and organic sources of the full spectrum of micro/ macro nutes. Check ‘em out if interested on his website (http://www.drearth.com).

He has a soil with all the bells and whistles in nurseries/grow shops, called POTting soil in a black bag, literally looking like that on the package. Definitely tailored for us growers. He doesn’t show it on the website, presumably to protect his strong rep from judgmental anti-cannabis folks (unfortunately there’s still a lot of them out there, but that’s a whole other subject in itself). It’s got:

“Fir bark fines, forest humus, peat moss, perlite, worm castings, bat guano, kelp meal, seaweed extract, aloe vera, yucca extract, ecto & endo mycorrhizae and beneficial soil microbes”

I attached a feeding schedule given to me from the grow shop that the owner of dr earth prescribed with the POTting soil. I use the soil, liquid solution, and a trio of his fertilizers (for beginning, veg, and budding). I don’t use the pest spray he recomends (don’t need it indoors) and I like to add a touch extra of perlite to the potting soil (to maximize aeration, drainage, and water retention). Other than that, this stuff is the shit requiring very little maintainance and producing thick strong healthy plants w/ dense nuggs fer days. Hope this helps, cheers and happy growing

View attachment DRearth indoor schedule.txt


Well-Known Member
Well done Natty Lift. I saw this Dr Earths up in Corvallis, Or. and I about tripped over my shoes when I walked by and scanned the all the good stuff. So you have been using it? And you like it huh. I am going to try it for sure.


Yep, hehe, pretty much after reading the ingredient list, you know it can't be bad. The question I asked myself when I saw it was, are they all in the right proportion? I ran into them at a trade show a while back at a nursery near me and talked with the owner Milo a little about the science behind it and how he formulates it (I have a biology degree, so it was interesting to see what he knows about plant and soil science). It definitely seemed to me that he was really into what he does and that he himself engineers the products. I've done a couple grows with the planting mix (green bag), potting soil (orange bag), the starter fert, tomato/veg fert, and the bud/bloom fert. They're awesome, highly recomended to anyone that wants quality buds. Yup yup, Milo knows how to put together the good stuff.

I recently switched over to the black bag called "Home Grown POTing soil" (listed above). It's pretty much a potting soil and planting mix in one, which alleviates buying the green and orange bags and mixing them together. It smells earthy, has a great loam, good drainage with good water retention, and my plants love the hell out of it. I givem kudos cause it must cost them a lot more to produce products with high qulaity ingredients without jacking up the price.

Kinda sad though cuz I'm moving to Alaska soon and don't think they have it up there. Gonna have to look into it.