Has anybody used Dr. Hornby Big Bud?? NEED HELP FAST!!!


New Member
Good shit good shit for sure. I think the price is way overdone but its good stuff if ur gonna pick up somethin AN though I HIGHLY recommend bud candy and carboload. Those combined with some technaflora magical should make u happy to say the least.. These were raised on bloom 054 big bud bud blood carbo load bud candy and magical..

http://s594.photobucket.com/albums/tt23/erkelsgoo/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00985-1.jpg

http://s594.photobucket.com/albums/tt23/erkelsgoo/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00983-1.jpg

http://s594.photobucket.com/albums/tt23/erkelsgoo/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00984-1.jpg

http://s594.photobucket.com/albums/tt23/erkelsgoo/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00987.jpg


Well-Known Member
i agree Big bud works for me so does AN, i agree the shits over priced for pot growers . the pricing is based on grow profits anyhow .....just start at quarter strenght and work up dont mix it like the lable says which is 5ml per liter that will burn ive benn told