Has anybody used promis bug spray and Drench

I used azamax on my og and they are going down hill. Then I read og strain doesnt like azamax. I have an 1 original og she took it ok but I also have taho and platinum and they are dying. I have avid but the hydro shop guy told me thats some nastl stuff and my set up is in a room of my house so I dont want to use anything to bad. He sold me a bottle of promis. Any suggestions?
Any input will help dont hesitate to criticis me.
Yeah I know im talking about the next set of plants. Cause ill never use azamax again. I knoe avid works good but I would like to use something not so harsh next time.
Im just going to wait these ones out and see if they bounce back.
The strange thing is the original og is doing just fine. There is only one original. The 6 taho and 6 platinums are the ones going down hill. Thats what makes me think the original og can handle the azamax better than the others. I am using ph perfect connoisseur my r/o water is ph 7 when I mix nuts it goes to about 5.5 then a couple days later its at around 6. I water to wast. I checked the wast ph yesterday and it was 4.5. I feed every other day the pots are pretty dry. Should I water then feed then water and so on?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
For people who use grow bags, plantpots etc where the plant(s) can be removed from the grow room:
Place the plant in the shower or bathtub. Using a pump up sprayer designed for horticulture and a soft paint brush clean the mites from the plant(s) using plain water and see them down the drain. Place something over the growing medium so the mites can't get into the plantpot/growbag etc. Use the bug spray in the grow room while the plant(s) are being debuged. When the air is clear in the growroom put the plant(s) back in the growroom.
Ive searced the plants and cant find one bug on the plant or in the coco. It looks like a spider mite problem but I can't find anything. Im using a microscope that plugs into my laptop. I sprayed the azamax on week 6 just as a precaution. That was going to be my last spray untill harvest.