has anyone bought a vaporizer off ebay???


Well-Known Member
I got an i-olie i-inhale vaporizer and it is GREAT!

All it needs is butane, no battery, no electricity etc. I get 3-4 times the high vs the same amount of material smoked, (it takes about .2gs grinded). It dosen't put off a marijuana smell, and its not very loud when its heating up.

They were only 200 bucks when I got them, if you fish around for certain marijuana sites they might have a better deal than the official site or ebay.

They use I think I did the math like, less than a penny of butane per hour?

Oh yeah only downside is that it takes a few minutes before it heats up enough to hit, and then you wait for every few times it heats up to hit (it heats up to maintain a temp of 375. So instead of being able to smoke a bowl in like 20 seconds, it might take like half an hour to an hour (depending on how good the weed is)

But its totally worth it

check out some videos on youtube or whatever, best hand held portable vaporizer PERIOD

i would have gotten a volcano but 600 bucks was a bit too much for me and its not stealthy at all