Has anyone done a fan leaf experimant?


Active Member
I'm thinking of trimming my fan leaves and leaving one finger on each one to get more light to the bottom of the plant. I know the leave provide the sugars to the buds but has anyone tried this? If so what were your results? Or what was the downfall?


bud bootlegger
you just said it yourself.. the leaves are what creates the food and sugars for a plant via photosynthesis.. take away the leaves, you take away the plants ability to create foods and sugars..

when you remove leaves from a plant to allow more light to get to the bottom of the plant, just where exactly if not the leaves are you trying to get the light too?? serious question..

buds only have a small fraction of the chlorophyl in them that leaves have, therefore the leaves grow the buds, not vice versa..


Active Member
I most likely would be trying the upper to middle fan leaves. Not taking the whole leaf off just trimming it and leaving one finger. Thus creating more light to the lower leaves

Bong Wizard

Active Member
I,m thinking this is not a good move. However, if you do it, please keep us posted as you now have me wondering as well!!


Active Member
I have done multiple experiments testing lower branch buds and top colas with cannalyse and buds that get light produce more psychoactive compounds. That is pretty common sense considering the trichomes protect the flowers but I prefer science over guess work. The leaves are necessary to build quality flowers but in order to produce the highest amounts of those compounds, light to the trichomes is necessary. It's kind of a double edge sword IMO.


Active Member
Well we will see what happens. Just started my EXPERIMANT an will let you all know how it ggoes compared to the others