did you say that wrong? because in my extensive experience molly is in powder or crystal shard form. pure MDMA cannot be pressed into pill form without the addition of benign binding compounds
"those types of drugs"?!? were talking about one specific drug. and a very safe one at that. nyquil is exponentialy more dangerous than MDMA.
and it all depends on the type of person you are what drugs you can handle. fuck, some people get addicted and ruin thier life with masturbation. your lame, generalized post about what YOU think is stupid is just that...lame and stupid.
I see why you tipped me off in the other thread... yeah guys, MDMA in pure powder or crystal form is indeed molly, generally speaking we refrain from using the term molly for pure mdma pressed into pills, but occasionally when you get those pills you can crumble with your fingers, everyone slips up and says molly.
"those types of drugs"
Now I see that a lot of the traditional stoners do not like anything chemical, I can respect that.. but to call someone out who you don't see eye to eye with like you are holier than thou is a lil weird in my honest opinion. Some people can't smoke a cigarette without turning into a chimney, ya kno? Pure mdma is actually a very safe substance when in even semi-intelligent hands, the real problem is "ecstasy" (sounds like I am contradicting myself..). But those goddamn pills with god knows what in them.. that is the danger, not mdma.
because the term molly means straight MDMA. pure MDMA cannot be pressed into pills, it wont hold together unless you add binders(those benign powders mentioned earlier). so technically, if its pressed into a pill its no longer molly because its no longer pure MDMA. it could still be a pill with straight MDMA and binders, but not molly.
im sure shepj will be in before the days over to tell us what he thinks.
^ lol I AM HERE! Yeah, but if one were to use organic binders (not in the sense of organic chemistry, but rather organic as in "green" -no pun intended).. can we refer to it as molly? heh.
Thanks for callin me over bro