Has anyone else bumped their head on there light/lights?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
wow silly question but yes i hit my head on my light once it hurts.... if your asking if the light would be okay if you hit it with your head yea it was fine lol


Well-Known Member
Several times, because I tend to grow low (ScrOG) on my commercial crops. One time I got knocked flat on my ass.

I've also been gardening while wearing a jacket, and the light burned through the back of my jacket before I noticed. Tried to scrape the plastic off the bulb, but didn't work, so I just turned it back on and the heat eventually evaporated the plastic residue. Go figure, huh?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Several times, because I tend to grow low (ScrOG) on my commercial crops. One time I got knocked flat on my ass.

I've also been gardening while wearing a jacket, and the light burned through the back of my jacket before I noticed. Tried to scrape the plastic off the bulb, but didn't work, so I just turned it back on and the heat eventually evaporated the plastic residue. Go figure, huh?
rofl right? damn lights too hot lol


Well-Known Member
rofl right? damn lights too hot lol
1000W man... I was just stooped there training my shit, next thing I know I feel a lil warm and smell somethin funny.....

Oh, and I'd like to add to this. I had this burnt-out electrician do my wiring on my major Rideau Lakes project (a sad story, one I prefer not to tell until I've made my peace w the situation)... well, he left some I think 240V sockets open so that I could do the covers, and I never ended up doing em. One day Im switching around my power tools, touch the wrong part and BAM I'm slammed up against the far wall over 5 feet behind me. I didn't get up for 15 minutes.