Has anyone else ever had after effects like this with magic mushrooms?


Well about a month ago me and my 2 friends split a fourth of shrooms. We had a really great time.(Oh and we blazed it 3 times to enchance the effects) Well now, several weeks later im starting to have these after effects that i can only really attribute to the mushrooms and was wondering if this sounds normal. When I stare at something, my floor for example, it starts to kind of shimmer and move around like little waves. And some times out of the corner of my eye I will see this brownish black thing kind of whiz across my line of sight then dissapear. This didnt annoy me at first, but now several weeks later it is statring to get really abnoxios. Well any input is appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
When you tripped you made new neural connections in your brain involving your senses and your imagination/sub-conscience. Your brain is subconsciously "remembering" what it experienced during your trip and you are experiencing that memory through some visual distortions. It is perfectly natural and will fade with more time. Or, you will start to trip more regularly and may find yourself enjoying those memories instead of it bothering you. I find it is more noticeable with good pot.
There is the rare occurrence, I forget the medical name, where these "flashbacks" do occur so often and so intensely as to interfere with one's life. But, if memory serves me, its not lethal and it goes away with time. I doubt yours is this severe. Don't stress, your eyesight or brain is not damaged... just turned on.


Well-Known Member
Just remember, its just a ride.


Peace to you brother, dont worry about it, its nt worth it!!! Keep your mind strong and your energy positive. Always :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah dude I remember looking at my floor and seeing that shit move like I was on shrooms. I haven't tripped on anything in a while now, and it has completely gone away.

What wingnutt said sounds correct.


Well-Known Member
Start smokeing DMT and you can't even close your eyes to hide from that as your brain learns to make a nice show of your phosphenes.


i see that shit everywere if i focus enough. i can make things bend in my mind.
the same thing happened to me the other day. I was walki g past these two poles and I stared and it seemed like I was able to control their movements. Btw thank you everyone. I forgot to mention this in the beggining but it isvery diffficult to read because of the shimmmerri g movements. But to all of your understandingsthis will go away over time?


Well-Known Member
Wingnutt is correct.
Dont worry about it. I ate 10-11 grams over a 2 week period and the same thing happend to me. Visuals for 2 months after they were gone. Not all day or anything but I would notice it 2 or 3 times a day. More so when I was stoned. I thought it was kinda cool. It will go away soon enough...
i have triped on just about anything under the sun....good old lucy girl....boomers.....CCC.....DOct << home made acid.... lotus plants.... (cactus) and of course the good old canadian pill that makes you trip balls..... and salvia if that counts but look mayne it is all in your state of mind. keep your mind stong with strong thoughts this will keep the (omg am i triping out?!?!?!) feeling away. and always remember HEAD strong. but i did have a friend that took 8 hits of acid at once and went insane ( RIP J.S.)
btw DMT from personal experience is the only hallucio i will not use just because it is the only trip that can send you into another world aka make you fucking see shit upside down and inside out


Active Member
this happend to me too recently the other day. i started seeing the tile move in waves like water, the way they usually do when i mushroom trip.

i started wondering if i was insane. because i was stone sober, and havnet tripped in 7 months.

but it could be that memory thing, or just my mind making an assosiation between the tile ive seen several times while tripping, and tripping itself.

something also that is kinda in this topic. u know when u try to focus one something when your rolling hard on X? and your eyes just kinda spasm hardcore?
i get that sometimes, also when i look at something to fast, or try to focus on something quickly while stone sober. also makes me wonder if i'm fucked up.


ive never even taken shrooms and if i stare at the carpet it starts to wave like the ocean, it just depends on the person i guess