Has anyone ever read the Emperor Wears No CLothes


Active Member
So i read the Emperor Wears No Clothes, for those of you who have never read it, this is probably the most mind blowing information i have ever read about hemp. Basically the book is about how hemp is the only annually renewable natual resource we have capable of reversing the green house effect, creating our own energy out of it buy using it for biomass fuel replacing oil, basically anything you can think of can be made with hemp. It also explains all the bullshit the goverment has done to make Americans fear it, and how theres not one case of lung cancer, or "brain damage" and we have all this information to prove that it is harmless and we have been using it for thousands of years, has not claimed 1 life. yet it is illegal, but your welcome to go to the store and legally drink enough booze to kill yourself.
Anyways i was just hopeing for some advise, i recently got busted growing ( i had an ounce of organic mendo purps with literally purple in it curing in a glass jar in my waterbed shelf, and some cops came over for a noise complaint, i=and basically it turned in to me in the back of the car for two hours and them telling me if i didnt tell them where i was growing it that i would go to jail, but if i told them they would give me two misdomenors and not take me so i said fuck it and showed him the sativas i was still waiting on, and slept in my own bed.
For those who have read the book, what do you think would happen if i brought this book to court to show the judge all this evidence? I just think its bullshit kids get their live ruined over weed, and if i have the knowlege why not try and educate the judge so that maybe i can stop this bullshit from happening to anyone else... let me know what you think
And If you havent read this book i strongly urge you to go buy it. it will be the best 24 bucks you have ever spent. Its the most eye opening book i have ever read. The emperor wears no clothes by jack herer.


Active Member
I mean everyone tells me to get a lawyer, but why not kick some knowlege to these misinformend judges that are so quick to ruin someones life over this subject when they apparently have not even done the research. How can you deny a whole book of facts?


Well-Known Member
Is there a movie about this book? I didn't really read you post cuz it was so long but my bud said that there was a movie on youtube about the book. I looked it up and didn't find anything. Anyone with a link? torrent or online vid?


Well-Known Member
i read it. i learned alot of the facts about weed from that book. you can download a torrent for it somewhere. thats what i did.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
lookup jury nullification.Try to have your lawyer argue for that.The judge wont tell them they can do it...but basically, if you as a jury member find a law unjust, you can throw the conviction out.Read about it.


Active Member
im not sure if theirs a movie about it but as for movies if you havent see super high me yet with doug benson documentary is funny as hell so check that out too, but yeah, you can buy it online the ladie at barnes and noble told me it was out of print but i found it at borders. Theres like some book ebay type deal the ladie showed me u can pick up a used copy even, i promise you it will be the best information u ever read, including the gorerments attempt to prove it kill braincells, in monkeys by making them smoke 63 joints in 5 minuates through a gas mask with no oxygen for three monthes stright, not taking into account that if u dont get oxygen for 5 minuates and all u get is carbon monixide yeah that will kill some brain cell. Fucking morons, that articles called debunking gutter science.


Well-Known Member
im not sure if theirs a movie about it but as for movies if you havent see super high me yet with doug benson documentary is funny as hell so check that out too, but yeah, you can buy it online the ladie at barnes and noble told me it was out of print but i found it at borders. Theres like some book ebay type deal the ladie showed me u can pick up a used copy even, i promise you it will be the best information u ever read, including the gorerments attempt to prove it kill braincells, in monkeys by making them smoke 63 joints in 5 minuates through a gas mask with no oxygen for three monthes stright, not taking into account that if u dont get oxygen for 5 minuates and all u get is carbon monixide yeah that will kill some brain cell. Fucking morons, that articles called debunking gutter science.
FUCK THE GOVERMENT..thats y i dont like them..cuz they always hiding something..or always trying to prove people wrong..and on top of that they hurting monkeys??..thats messed up..hearing stuff like that gets me mad because i dont know about you guys..but i like animals..i mean y hurt them if they r not hurting you?..i dont get it..and i hate the police to...but im getting off topic...sorry..i just had to let it out..


Active Member
you have the right to be pissed off everyone in the right minds should be pissed off. The fact that most of our parrents, were all raised on lies and misinformation about it. That book is like the size of a text book. I read it in 3 days i just couldnt belive what i was reading yesterday i read it for nine hours stright until i finished it, thats how good it is. I normally dont read anything but about growing, But the information in that book was far more important. Seriously check it out and show everyone u know the truth. Dont let the government keep you and your family misinformed for their own benifit.


Well-Known Member
FUCK THE GOVERMENT..thats y i dont like them..cuz they always hiding something..or always trying to prove people wrong..and on top of that they hurting monkeys??..thats messed up..hearing stuff like that gets me mad because i dont know about you guys..but i like animals..i mean y hurt them if they r not hurting you?..i dont get it..and i hate the police to...but im getting off topic...sorry..i just had to let it out..

i try to avoid talking about these issues because i will go on about them FOREVER. seriously. i got in to this "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT" attitude many years ago and i continue to find new reasons to hate them. this ones for freedom government...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to check out the read for sure. I don't know how much luck you'll have getting the judge to hear your book as he is bound to hear the evidence based on current laws. It does not surprise me a book of the truths of cannabis would be out of print in the "land of the free".