Has anyone ever seen this before?

My girls have been growing under 1000 watt light and in ten gallon pots. I used soil and earth juice is my fertilizer. I have been watering them every 3 to 4 days and they were doing fabulous until about 3 days ago. The new growth on one of them started growing out funny loking and there are holes in a few leaves and then yesterday the new growth on the others is looking the same way. I cant find any bugs anywhere either. Has anyone had this issue before?



Well-Known Member
For the weird looking leaf I don't know. The holes, I think it might have to do with the plant sweating, I had the same holes and was wondering where they were from and someday I came into my room and my plants had a few of those water drops on them I just post not long ago about this here and I came to the conclusion that when my plant sweat, the water drop on the leaf magnify the light and then burns the leaf.. Does it make sense?


Well-Known Member
I've had this issue outside before. I thought it would be bugs. I'm not 100% sure what the problem is, but I wouldn't have thought it as a nute/soil problem. Genetics/seedling sometimes grow out funny, although your plants looked fine in previous growth. Probably some type of bug somewhere...


Yeah ive had that problem before. What I did is that I just gave it pure water for 1 week and left them to grow. The next leaves started growing normal. I dont know exactly what was the problem. But it just happend to one of my plants.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Probably related to a mobile nutrient, like Nitrogen or Magnesium. I know there are layers of cells that make up the leaves and that sometimes the "top layer" grows at a different rate than the bottom. Could be related to genetics, unfolding DNA and cell replication are after all pretty genetic, then again it could be micro-element deficient. Some structure building thing like silicon, or maybe even Carbon...

Weird shit though. No way to be certain without causing it purposefully. What have you done, what are you using? Knowing the method might provide insight into the issue.

And yeah, could be pest related as well...


Well-Known Member
That looks serious...I have had a few new growth leaves start out funny looking, but they seem to grow out normal in the end...that looks rough though. I don't have any idea what would have caused it...maybe just wait it out...or you could flush...I like to flush whenever I see any kind of problem, because I have found nine times out of 10 a flush helps with whatever was my problem.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking too much fertilizer, try to jus feed them with jus water for abt a week or 2 and see if yu get any progress ther. It also can b jus genetics, som plants have fuckd up genetics in the strain, good luck.:leaf:(I dont know if any1 said wat i jus said i didnt read all the post, jus replyed 2 ur question)