Has Anyone Ever Seen This on a Leaf?


Active Member
This is a male Mauil Waui outside that developed this strange pattern. He was sprayed today with a solution of Neem Oil and a little Azamax. Not sure what insect or disease it is. The females are safe in a grow tent. This would not be lizard related would it? Thanks in advance.


Look on the underside of the leaves and see if you can see any shiny black dots. My first guess is thrips b/c of the slightly coppery color, but that looks like it's been gnawed on for a while so I'm not exactly sure. Btw the black dots are the thrip poop, not the thrips :)


Well-Known Member
the insect is a leaf miner. the little guy gets in between the two layers of the leaf and creates what are called galleries. thrips are piercing/sucking insects. their damage resembles spider mites.you may have caught a few miners if your plants were outdoors. you may yet catch them if they are still there. contact pesticides are not really effective. there are only one or two anyway.

edit: you can catch them if they haven't exited the inside. use your finger nails and go to where there gallery ends and dig them out.


Well-Known Member
Yup! I second Danny. Leaf miners decimated my Swiss Chard this year. I would remove infected leaves. Also, check the undersides of healthy leaves for eggs that look like this. You can try to smoosh the eggs with your fingers, then cross your fingers and wish for good luck!