Has anyone ever smoked out of a gas mask?


Well-Known Member
one of my friends made a gas mask into a smoking device, and it will absolutely destroy you. tested it first hand last night, and i have to say it's the most impressive smoking device I've ever utilized.

has anyone else ever tried this?


Well-Known Member
funny thing you said that

As i was in the military ( obliagted in switzerland ) we smoke'd from out gas masks while in training ^^

This dude that supply'd us with the weed got cought and had to move he's room out from the military rooms to the military running ground ( training ground )

and not just once he had to do it till 8 am in the morning ;)

hehehehe we were all like thank fucking god he didnt rattle on us ! We built him a big joint... ^^

anyway... Nope i havnt smoke'd out that smoking gas mask... ^^ But it looks cool....


Well-Known Member
Sounds awsome, got any pics or directions to make one? I got a friend that has a gas mask, im sure hell be glad for me to make a smokin device out of it!


Well-Known Member
Sounds awsome, got any pics or directions to make one? I got a friend that has a gas mask, im sure hell be glad for me to make a smokin device out of it!

she had a gasmask. She then bought a straight acrylic bong, thats mouthpieces diamter was equal to the gasmasks mouthpiece.

SO it was about 2in in diameter ;)

Just as easy as pluging the bong in the mouthpiece. she used electrical tape around the top to make it seal.

works amazing.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea i have but only once, you cant even breath when you have it on. I hit it at hard as i could and damn was i high afterwards to bad i never see any gas masks at headshops or i'd definitely buy one.


Well-Known Member
i have a german gas mask with a inch and a half threaded filter piece...i hooked some hosing into it and a 2 liter bottle at the bottom with a bowl....absolutely fumigated when i use it, haven't done it in awhile maybe tonight...


Well-Known Member
Look i actually found the gas mask i smoked out of and its for sale at this website The Art of Smoking - Gas Mask (Powered by CubeCart). Its the exact one. Has anybody heard of this site before and know if its reliable?

[email protected] (Phone) 502-544-4422
Shoot him an email or call (damn text) and see. He seems to be an independent dealer on the net, knows a blower maybe and is just selling. I do the same thing, though not with paraphernalia.


Well-Known Member
Shit we used to do that in the 60's, but the masks then were from WWII. And they had a long hose that came out by the nose & went to a cannister That hung down by your chest. You'd take the filter out & voila ! a power puffer :)


Well-Known Member
Shit we used to do that in the 60's, but the masks then were from WWII. And they had a long hose that came out by the nose & went to a cannister That hung down by your chest. You'd take the filter out & voila ! a power puffer :)
Me too(60's) ,makes your eyes water from all that smoke trapped around your face though... Sure do get ripped.


Active Member
you have no idea..first time EVER smoking was with a gas mask...it blew me away...my sisters bf had a gas mask...so we have used it a couple times...