Has anyone ever tried?

I was intrested in knowing if anyone has tried to water a plant with vodka? I was thinking about starting a plant and only giving it vodka and plant food. No water, and see if that ish will work. I currently have a crop growing which is streached out so I decided to start watering one with flavored vodka, hoping in my demented mind it could change the bud. I watered it 2 days ago with a nip, so far it looks the same but the smell of pot is gone. It now smells like the vodka, its gonna be quite intresting to see what happens with the plant a few more vodka waterings.

oh ill post pictures soon


Well-Known Member
There was a post around somewhere with a link to an article about giving your plants liquor. Apparently giving flowering plants liquor stunts the growth of the stems and leaves, but not the flowers. It'll be interesting to see if that holds true with cannabis, as well =)
hmmm...so Im not as crazy as I thought. At least Im not the only one intrested in finding out if liquor will do anything to the plant. Well Ill post some pictures in a few more days.


Well-Known Member
dude if your gonna do this as an experement, fine, i wont tell you your making a big mistake. but for the love of all that is green, dont feed the plant more than a beer or a nip at a time

oh and i wonder if youd feel drunk smoking the buds?
hmmm...well fuck it...I guess we'll all find out how a nip a week or so will effect the plant. Like I said so far its looking fine, just stinks like vodka...wensday or thursday ill post pictures to show how she's doing. I mean whats the worst that could happen...I end up killing a midi plant. At least its not some crazy haze or something.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
It stunts growth, but not bud growth, on other flowering plants. I'm interested to see if it works on MJ
It stunts growth, but not bud growth, on other flowering plants. I'm interested to see if it works on MJ
in due time...just keep an eye opened I might post pics in this thread or make another. You never know I could be on to something...make bud that gets you stoned and feeling drunk at the same time. Really Im just hoping to at least flavor the bud this way...anyone know if that possibal to flavor the plant while its growing?


Active Member
I bet it would give it the tast but when you smoked it or baked it into something the heat would kill the alcohol. good luck though man
Well...its been 4 days, Just transplanted monday. SHe was looking fine, just a little cupping from too much water. But I think today killed her. She's still green but the top is now curling down and all the leafs are sagging. She looks bad, but I dont think its due to the vodak. Today was WICKED HOT AND HUMID and my dumb ass forgot to turn the fan back on...So Im not sure, was it my fault? did I do something wrong when I transplanted her? idk cuz i trans planted my other baby she's doing fine,was it due to over wattering? its possibal,or it could be cuz she was over streached. All in all she's just hurting ill give it a day she dont come back im just pulling her and starting the study over. This time with a healthy plant one that isnt streached,over watered and one that doesnt have a piss poor root system.


Well-Known Member
haha crazy idea man but will see how it turns out. Id never try try something like this but im one that does not like alcohol or liquor!!!
I can't believe you're considering this.Only an idiot would do something like this.
your funny, Im an idiot because I decided to try something new? If it wasnt for people like me...we wouldnt have hybreeds wouldnt have hydroplonic weed gardens. If it wasnt for people wanting to try something new...WE WOULDNT EVEN HAVE BUD IN THIS COUNTRY. idk say im stupid for trying, but with seeds that were free from some mids so it was shit weed, if i get it to work who knows maby just maby you'll be smoking it some day. All I know is im trying agin this time from seeding on...see how that works


Active Member
You're not innovative...your just messing around without a clue.Alcohol on plant roots is absolutely ridiculous.Only a child would think this ridiculous experimentation was cool..
You sir, have the I.Q of a carrot.
this may be true...but dude...if its such a bad idea then why has it been tried on other flowering plant. Which was a sucess from what I hear, flower growth was fine only thing that was stunted was the leaves and stems. You wouldnt be saying anything if I had pictures of a flurshing plant. I mean honestly why do you have to be so negitive about my attempt on creating something incredable. I gaurentee the first person who said they were gonna attempt to grow a tomato plant upside down was shuned upon and told it was impossibal. I mean, honestly if this is done correctly I belive it can work. I mean maby not with vodka but some sort of alochol this idea should work. I think the next time Im gonna try some wine or something.