Has anyone heard of a non auto flowering by itself?


Well-Known Member
hi im plant sitting (northern lights x skunk)... lights are on from 9am-12.30ish and they are starting to flower...has anybody any ideas why :?::?::?:


Well-Known Member

It could be your light spectrum, if the plant is mature a red spectrum could send it into flower. How old are the plants?

I have one strain with two clones showing female preflowers in veg while 23 other strains are not. Do you have more than one strain? If so are all the strains going into flower? If so then your light timer may be turning the lights off when you think they are on / if not you have a pheno that shows female flowers in veg.

Endless Sky (indica) has a pheno that Dr Greenthumb calls Iranian Auto Flower that flowers after a certain time even when in 24/0 light, finishes in August in outdoor Canada. Variation in the pheno - make feminized seeds, it could be valuable to yourself or others.

Dr Greenthumb



Active Member
has that always been the light setting? Or have you changed light setting recently? Even if not put into 12/12, if a plant is used to long amounts of light and then they get dramatically changed, the plant can go into flower.


Well-Known Member
i have 300w blue spectrum and a 300w red spectrum cfl next to each other and the plants in question are more under the red light if that s the case then do you think if i just pushed them more under the blue light they will stop flowering and go back into reveging


Well-Known Member

"do you think if i just pushed them more under the blue light they will stop flowering and go back into reveging"

KJG I would suggest getting rid of the red light for veg all together.

How many plants do you have? What is the kelvin colour of your lights? I run a 90 watt LED in a 48"x48" veg cage and get slow growth but the results that I want for my system. 600 watts of CFL seems overkill, and expensive. You could give better light with a couple of 100 watt MH or a single 150 watt mh if you don't have that many plants.

Check out post #402, page 41, in the Grow Lab - a primer on lighting. There's a lighting section in the equipment chapter of Weed Science (linked below)





Well-Known Member
thanks guys i will try that then hopfully it will work.. gotta say its typical when the owner is around everything is fine then the minute he goes away shit happens


Well-Known Member

"lights are on from 9am-12.30ish"

I just absorbed this >>> switch your light time to 24/0 for a week, it should revert them to veg. 15 1/2 hours light and 8 1/2 hours dark could send some strains into flower if the plants are sexually mature (more than 5 weeks from seed usually).

And if it's an electronic timer be sure that the light goes off at 12:30 AM, not PM.
