Has anyone here done DMT?


New Member
Has anyone here done DMT before?

And how was the experience?

Ive been researching it for a while and this stuff sounds insane. Its incredible just reading about. Ive heard of ppl who actually thought they traveled into other dimensions and met entities from these places. Some actually say ur soul leaves ur body. Supposed to be "True Hallucinations". Im still planning on doing this stuff some day, but if its actually like that I dont think Im anywhere near prepared for that type of experience. It sounds so amazing.


Well-Known Member
i have not, but my friend just did and he said it was insane. he said that 5 min seem like 2 hours and you are pretty much dreaming with your eyes open. its hella expensive tho :sad:


Active Member
Yeah. Very intense trips.

Pretty easy to make, if you do some research.

One trip for me that I though was amazing was that, I was taken by angels into space above earth. And then I watched the formation of the solar system, the evolution of earth, and eventually the death of solar system.

The angels expressed true compassion and love. It very strange to communicate with someone with your mind.

I guess a way to compare DMT is to ask yourself this. Have you ever had a dream that you thought was real? What if it was?

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Yeah I used to do a lot of DMT. You need to make sure you get the correct smoking device to do it, otherwise the effects will be dulled. It's a crazy drug, hard to explain what even happens because its such a mind fuck. It's the craziest feeling i've ever felt though.


Well-Known Member
lol, your mind stays the same... but the world gets replaced, like it was only a movie in your head!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I found the following someplace-

We intake the essential amino acid L-tryptophan through diet. Light photons enter through our pupils and stimulate rods and cones in the back of our eyes, an area called the retina as well as the top of our head, and other thin skinned areas of the body. The energy from light photons is converted to electrical and chemical impulses, which are relayed through a small bundle of nerves, called the optic tract, to the hypothalamus. Information from the hypothalamus is in turn relayed through several other nerve tracts to the pineal gland. (Aronson, 1993) In the pineal gland, tryptophan is converted to serotonin or 5- hydroxy-tryptamine by 5hydroxylation and decarboxylation. Serotonin is used as our predominate daily-waking neurotransmitter. An acetyl group is added to serotonin by an enzyme called serotonin-N-acetyl-transferase (NAT). NAT is believed to be the rate-limiting enzyme, that is, the amount of melatonin produced depends on the activity of this enzyme. Activation of NAT depends not only on signals induced by light hitting the retina, but also from information relayed from other parts of the brain. Adding a methyl group, leading to melatonin follows the acetylation of serotonin. Throughout daylight hours, light reaching the pineal gland prevents the production of melatonin. Even very low intensity light as from an indoor fluorescent light may prevent melatonin release (Laakso, 1993). Light signals reaching the pineal inhibit the activity of the enzyme that converts serotonin to melatonin. Darkness allows melatonin production. Starting in the evening, and throughout the night, the pineal gland releases melatonin, reaching peak levels between 2 and 4 am. In the morning, exposure to light shuts off melatonin production. The chemical name of melatonin is 5-methoxy-N-acetyl-tryptamine. When melatonin is metabolized in the pineal gland, it is converted to 5-methoxy-tryptamine (Hardeland, 1993). 5-methoxy-tryptamine is further metabolized to N, N-dimethyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine (5-MEO-DMT) and other tryptamines. Our brain manufactures its own hallucinogens, which lead us to dream.



Active Member
Yeah, there's alot of video's by joe rogan on youtube that explain it well. I've read alot about the spirit molecule. It's the only hallucinogen that actually takes you somewhere else, instead of altering your surroundings. Your third eye.


Well-Known Member
So is this all natural? I am in to all natural things but won't go near the synthetic (acid, pills, etc. etc.). I have been looking into Salvia and this seems very similar. How similar is it to Salvia Divinorum?


Well-Known Member
I have done DMT. I have posted an account of my last trip in another forum, but I will repost it here.

A bout this time last year I mastered the process of extracting and isolating N, N, DMT from Mimosa Hostilis root bark. I worked with what I remembered of high school chemistry, basic understandings of polar and non polar solvents etc. I should say that the whole process is very easy. Hardly could consider it chemistry at all. Once you know what works and what doesn't it is literally as easy as making tea. (you just have to repeat the process of making tea many many times going back and forth between acidic and basic and washing out with solvent, etc). I'm not here to write a story about how to make it, though. I'm here to write a story about what the experience is like. I've offered this first paragraph to answer the question, "Where'd you get the DMT"?

While I was figuring out the easiest, most effiecient way to get it made, I took a lot of threshold doses. I was testing how easily the precipitated crystals vaporized, inhaleability, harshness, etc. But I never really took myself anywhere until I was sure I had gotten it right. My first real experience was rushed, and a little hectic because my wife has a stigma with smoking any kind of substance that smoked the same way as crack. Whatever. The 2 things are totally different and on and on, but I could just never get her over it. So I had to really goad at her until she agreed to let me do it at all. Normally I would have told her to get pissed, but if it reminds her of crack, then I want to make sure she can deal with me lighting up a stem right in front of her.

My first experience showed me things that I will never forget. I gained unsurmountable insights into myself and it took a month or two to sort it all out and make sense of it at all. That is not to say I learned to articulate what I experienced and for that trip, I did not even try to explain it. But that maiden voyage also taught me things about DMT that I was able to bring to the next trip which was millions and millions of times more insightful than the first. Things like not rushing it. Not looking for it. I was able to understand after the first one that I would be in the presence of higher beings, and that those beings required respect. Setting clearly could enhance the experience as random noises become completely annoying and distracting. Also something I didn't realize is that when your body experiences a loss of ego, it is hard for it to recognize your identity once it comes back. I came back from the first experience repeating my name, address, and what I did for a living, etc. It suprised me a little bit.

I decided that I was going to share the experience with someone close to me and I asked a friend of mine if she would try it with me. This particular friend and I have been friends for years and years. She's very insightful, expressive, and open. She's down for just about whatever and she agreed. So we set a date and time. The night of the experience we decided to go on an empty stomach. We put on some goa trance that sounded really... hindu-ish? Because of the "beings" I hoped to encounter I wanted to be very meditative before, during and after and hope I could remember something. We looked at some mandala tapestries, and cleared our minds repeating mantras and just got really comfortable definitely anticipating what we were about to do, but not rushing it. I had a DMT piece made by a local glass blower and it was already loaded and I helped her get the thing hot and when the crystals vaped, she took a huge hit, held it for a time and exhaled. She took 3 hits in all in under 30 seconds. I followed her. I remember putting the pipe down and I was no longer on Planet Earth. I was in a place that was the most familiar place I have ever been, but I could not put my finger on why it was so familiar.

I did not have a body and I was surrounded by spirits that were babbling a strange, multi dimensional language. A language whose sounds and articulations became colors or numeric patterns. I could understand them, and I felt pride that I was part of something hidden and wonderful and at the same time I was sad because I could not actually speak this beautiful language. I watched as the spirits watched me, whispering about me as if they were confused because they clearly were glad to see me, but they did not expect me so soon.

I was never approached by any induvidual entity although I was aware of several of them talking into me all at once. Even though the language was so complex, I was able to discern each induvidual conversation, and I was infused with the knowledge that we are all of a single divine thing, that every living person belongs to that same divine center. Like the loose definition of Namaste, "I appreciate the God that is in You that is in Me" or trying to be the buddha that looks at the world from your own perspective looking at everything as the buddha looking at the world from your perspective until every grain of sand is the buddha that is you.

I was able to gaze upon written texts that were written in a language that I could understand. The symbols on the texts moved and writhed, and changed shape as they gave up their secrets. As I looked at the texts, it was explained to me that what I was looking at was the story of my life. What it was, what it is, and what it will be, and that in the moment before my conception in an instant that was so infinite it could not be measured in terms of time, my soul collaborated with the voice in my head and together, we scripted my life and that the document I was looking at was actually written by me, and that my soul was so ancient, I had scripted other lives I've lived 5000 times before.

I started to become aware that I was slipping away from this wonderful place and bagan to panic. The spirits immediately sensed this, and I was filled with a perfect feeling of peace and tranquility that I have not known in life. I understood the feeling as surely as if it were one of my own thoughts and I began to let go. I first became aware of my arms and was alarmed to see that they has been transformed into clear gelatinous rubik snakes' and as soon as I recognized the ridiculousness of the thought I relaxed and sunk into my friend. Our bodies were homogenized into a thick glob of organic clay, reminiscent of what I had just learned that all of our souls are like. As our souls accepted our mortal bodies, and began to separate I noticed that my arms, hands and indeed my entire body was carved deeply with the same undulating writing that was on the texts. The voice in my head was almost imperceptbly insisting that I remember the writings and its message that I carry like badges upon my soul. only 25 minutes had passed since we smoked. The experience seemed to last longer than my adult life.
We laid there gasping and trying to articulate anything about what we had just experienced. When we were unable, we took a walk. For the next hour and a half, we basked in the afterglow, and everything that we saw: cars, rocks, even trash we were consciously aware of its place in the universe as though they had been intentionally placed there just for us to notice. I was unable to describe any of this- even in my head, for a long time. I have thought of it often for the last 2 years, and have made a reasonable amount of sense out of it in pieces here and there.

I think it is worth mentioning that other than dozens of "tests" which were just threshold doses, I have only done DMT twice. I simply did not need to use it again. I have no doubt that I will use it many many more times. At this point in my life though, I have other priorities. I look foreward to retirement, and a new DMT experience a day. The two times I have done it have profoundly changed the person who I am. I actually feel blessed that I was able to experience it. Strange for me because I usually gobble up all of the drugs in sight. But I can take my time with DMT. It is my favorite drug in the world, and I've done more different kinds of drugs than even people who have used a lot of different kinds of drugs..


Well-Known Member
Carni - that is an excellent representation of DMT.

Try it at least once in your lifetime...

And no...its not even close to Salvia.


Well-Known Member
And no...its not even close to Salvia.
Can you (or anyone else) explain the difference to me? I know that if i tried both of them I woul definately know the difference, I just ordered some salvia and I have never done it before. To someone who has never used either of these before (ME!) it sounds like they are very similar. Can anyone enlighten me?

john q. public

Active Member
pretty intense stuff. I have dropped a ton of acid, and never seen a real "Hallucination" other than trails. dmt was pretty good when i did it. threw up.. but brick walls, were pretty cool....


Well-Known Member
Can you (or anyone else) explain the difference to me? I know that if i tried both of them I woul definately know the difference, I just ordered some salvia and I have never done it before. To someone who has never used either of these before (ME!) it sounds like they are very similar. Can anyone enlighten me?

There is nothing Earth shaking about Salvia. I think it is irritating. I have never done salvia and walked away in a good mood. Salvia trips are more similar than acid, but only in the out of body experience of the word. Just because they are both out of body, does not make it the same.

It is more than just a high. If you have never done salvia, then I say you should definitely do it for the experience, and enjoy it for what it is. But try not to build any expectations about DMT based on your salvia experience. For all of their apparent similarities, They are worlds apart. If Salvia is a SCUD, and LSD is a tomohawk missile, then DMT is a 50 megaton nuke.


New Member
DMT is very blissful were as salvia is jarring. if that helps. DMT is also within you and absorbed by the brain within 30 secs. Its literally brain food.


New Member

WOW that experience sounds amazing...

That is the kind of thing that Im looking for and I was wondering about. I feel that I need to know the truth about things. So you would call that "reality" right? and not a hallucination? Personally Ive always had this deep feeling that I havent just been here for the few short years that my age is. People try to tell others that they didnt exist before they were born, I know better. Ive always considered myself an old soul also, I feel that Ive been here for nearly eternity in some shape or form. Im not sure if Ive had past lifes, but I know I existed long before I was born.

I have many problems in my life. I wonder if going into this place that you speak of could help me at all. I know of this place, although in my human mind I cant remember anything specific about being there, I know my soul has been there though. I personally refer to it as the "Spirit/Soul Realm". Ive also known for a while that if I went there before it would be very familiar. Your experience makes me feel better and backs that thought up. I know that it is true now. I miss that place...I hope I can go there sometime soon. It sounds soo beatiful to me...