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Hey speedy. Just tried to order from you.. order num. 100000333
But paypal says my card is denied, even though i just ordered a necklace for my girlfriend on the internet. I think it is my bank blocking it because it is an out-of-country order, and I will check first thing monday. I live in Northeast MS USA, just wanted you to be aware of the situation and i will try again tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Hey speedy. Just tried to order from you.. order num. 100000333
But paypal says my card is denied, even though i just ordered a necklace for my girlfriend on the internet. I think it is my bank blocking it because it is an out-of-country order, and I will check first thing monday. I live in Northeast MS USA, just wanted you to be aware of the situation and i will try again tomorrow
Ok, it could also be paypal being picky about the address details you enter and how closely it matches whats registered to the card.
i tried several times, checking every letter. ALSO, i order seedism killawatt, says very high yield..can you estimate on the gr 's it will produce for 1 plant under 150W mh and 40W of fluors side lighting? or do you know of a growing guide with those answers for this particular plant?


Well-Known Member
i tried several times, checking every letter. ALSO, i order seedism killawatt, says very high yield..can you estimate on the gr 's it will produce for 1 plant under 150W mh and 40W of fluors side lighting? or do you know of a growing guide with those answers for this particular plant?
are you serious? :-? :shock:


Well-Known Member
i don't have it to hand but I will get it sorted out for you tomorrow.

It has shipped and should be with you any day.
post #660 had a misqoute in it, I meant to have quoted your question earlier but I quoted the same guy twice.

Yes it has shipped, it will be with you any day.

I'll dig out the tracking number for you.


Well-Known Member
speedyseedz landed 2 hrs ago, got home 1 hr ago, 2:22 am, 1372 emails to go through, countless orders, sent out invoices tonight will continue in the morning.
good to read that,i dont know you personally but from the emails we have exchanged i can say i honestly hope for your success and that i believe you will succeed because you sound like a down to earth family man,but man get my sensi star to try lol.oh and get HHF genetics on line and you will be rewarded 10 fold because that man brings good vibes were ever he goes.


Active Member
post #660 had a misqoute in it, I meant to have quoted your question earlier but I quoted the same guy twice.

Yes it has shipped, it will be with you any day.

I'll dig out the tracking number for you.
thanks speedy. just let me know. you have great customer serv.


Active Member
Hey Speedy, I know you were on vacation and are busy but when you get a chance can you let me know if I should have received the Thai Haze Freebie? I received my order on Friday and I thought I was also getting 5 free seeds. Thanks! (Your Order #100000234 (placed on 1 February 2010)


Well-Known Member
Hi Mr Solo Dolo, I appologize if you didn't not receive them,

I'll get something out to you in the regular mail.
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