Has Anyone Smoked Legalbuds.com?


Active Member
i wanna honestly know if anyone has tried some of this "herb" i see it advertised on so many sites.

in no way do i want to try it because obviously i grow the real thing but im very curious.

please let me know what it was like
thank you :)


Active Member
Haven't had it from that site but I have had bubble nug from High Times, All I want to say is there is a lot cheaper ways to get a headache..


Well-Known Member
Haven't tried legal buds but all same shit from another site (which I cant remember name of) and all it done after doing like 2kg between 3 of us is guve us a headache and sore throat...nice


Active Member

  1. You spend your money
  2. you get the package
  3. you open it/pack a bowl
  4. light it/inhale
  5. you get Really disappointed
  6. wait a minute..
  7. oh? your throat hurts and your wallet
Sorry haha


Active Member
im gonna keep this goin by asking if anyone has sold it to some d bag lol?????

Sucks that Rollitupp sells out to these scamvertisers .. fkk charge $1 dollar a month per member or something instead..

Legal buds fkkkk comon riu :spew:

and Teeth white scam ads.. :-| bs

They were advertising for Cathys white teeth and all the teeth whitening ads scamming everyone by enrolling them into rebate clubs etc.. just google it..


Why the hell do they let scammers advertise to there members? :? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I sold legal buds to some douche bags that I went to school with. I made like 190 bucks off them too. That shit taste like ass and I'd never smoke it.


Gawd.. what a bunch of uneducated losers. Synth is real. Maybe the grass tastes like shit or sage or sage and shit or whatever, but there are small amounts of a Canabinoid Receptor Agonist sprayed onto the herb that gives you the same high as THC. Well, if they spray enough on it, that is. Let me tell you from experience, there are a few 'flavors' of legalbudz.com that WILL get you high. Mystical Spirit worked pretty good for me... Dreamsmoke was ok, and Innervision was also okay. If you want to get really high (I mean, like dizzy, hard to focus, can't walk straight, probably shouldn't be driving, etc.. go to a head shop, tell them you want 50x or better (prolly pay like 11 to 18 bux a gram) go home SOBER and roll a small joint.. just a tiny bit bigger than a pinner. Take 5 really good hits off of it (about half the joint) and you should be fucked up. Kush (with red letters) Cloud 10, Ecliptic, Outlaw, etc. are some of the better brands or if they have their own 'house' blend, tell them you want 50x or better and you'll see it's the real deal. As far as online orders.. I wouldn't really trust them.. in my case, I got 3 bags of ok and 3 bags of crap.