Has anyone out there smoked DMT?
Wanna share about the experience? I'm interested in hearing something from someone who's tried it...
I extracted it from MHRB and smoked it with the machine twice. It been over a year since I done it and the memorys are getting a bit vague.
I wasn`t the experienced one for psychedelics at the time and after both times of taking DMT I remember saying I`m never taking anything psychedelic again

I sure didn`t stick to that one!
Its very very potent and quick acting, the 1st time I lay down on a bed with Shpongle on, with my brother as a sitter I took my blast of DMT and lay back thinking I`m ready for this, I was waiting for this... But the damn stuff acts SO quickly and effectively, both on thoughts and visions it blew my socks off!! I started hearing the famous VOOOUUUUUUU ring sound and somewhere along there I remember the thought pattern I was so trying to reassure myself withjust get more and more abstract, then remember thinking I wasn`t expecting this!!
The two DMT trips, I remember lots of colours or red and yellow pouring out the place and the experience can be described perfectly with the quote from Terence McKenna, "The walls or such they may be, are calling with geometric hallucinations"

I remember face like strutures and lots of eyes too.
The most pronounced part of my trip, which I cant remember if it was 1st time or 2nd time, its going to be quite hard to describe. I was swimming in a space, and was in a structure which seemed to me like the fabric of the universe. It was quite a pretty blue coloured 3 dimensional sturcture formed of many cubes. This was like a graph paper for mathematics, but in 3D. As I was swimming around in this space, I remember wondering where I was going and what I actually was. Bad trail of thought, made me panic a little when I realised my body was nowhere to be seen and I was just like a form of energy floating around in this 3D gridspace. On a side note, I tried to explain it to the best of capacity but to actually feel what I was feeling at the time, to be in that structure with that feeling of having no body or phsyical parts is just.... ineffiable....
I could look away from my area of 3D grid, and far away see another similar structure, like a paralell universe... The really hard feeling to explain with DMT is that during this trip, the feeling and even knowledge of my body was nonexistant until maybe 10 minutes in the trip when I actually realised I had left my body a long time ago. I was thinking of my name, it didn`t ring any bells. I was thinking of the life I had in my body and it seemed very distant, meaningless and most importantly limited....
All in all, smoking DMT was one of the most bizzare and profound experience in my life... Much of the trips are forgotten, but the way they made me feel and the questions and ideas which popped out are still floating around....

It was around 20 minutes but seemed much longer
Terence McKenna also said, when one takes DMT 2 times he is now familliar with the world of DMT and what it contains. The 3rd time is ment to be much more of a storyline (my trips story line wasn`t that good IMO) and include entities which you can interact with, hmmm thinking I need to pay a visit to those machine elves soon
All in all, smoking DMT is an experience I would advise to everybody! Just bear in mind it can and will blow your mind
Edit: I agree, nothing compares. I have never tried this but I would imagine eating DMT would be far away from comparing to smoking it, its just a different experience!