has anyone tried Dramamine??


Well-Known Member
Ive tried it a few times but not lately .... Recommended dose for nausea is 1 pill.... The first time i took 20 pills ...that might be pushing it ...15 may be fine... But in an hours time i felt as i was dreaming.... Just sitting there would see things fly across the room ...maybe a bird or bat cant tell... But outside i would see people making out in a bush or walk up on someone not there .... Also on my walks home ..i would talk to buddy for hours then simply he is gone... What the hell??.... Only thing i did not like was the feeling of spiders on my skin.... anyone try it and experience the same??
Lol Of course it wont be on any list of hallucinogens ...no dealer would ever carry it... Just a recreational pill that may feel better nah some actual drugs ...