has anyone used detoxify brands for getting clean?


Well-Known Member
congratz... i got the job too! only they probly wont piss test for a couple more weeks, so im good.. i aint worried about it.

congrats again, n lets get that $$$$!!!


Well-Known Member
yea, im so fuckin happy i got the job, they only hired 4 ppl n over 300 ppl applied for the job. shits crazy. its a big relief knowin that ill be gettin checks every week.

only thing is training is first shift.. so i have to wake up at fuckin 6am, sucks like a mufucka. cant wait til i start my reg hours on 2nd shift.

n i cant wait til i get paid, gonna smoke a blunt to the head!!!!


Well-Known Member
damn!!!! you are so lucky dude!!! you should be really proud.
what is the job if i may ask.
hey man i gotta work 3rd shift (11pm-7am) at a gas station.... so wakin up early cant be that bad
oh well i like bein a night owl :twisted:


Well-Known Member
hell yea i feel lucky, n im happy as hell!

its a company that builds diff types of circuit boards, for military devices, and medical devices... the work has to be done perfect.. shits kinda hard. i have to pass classes, and get certified in order to work. but i already did it for an old job doin the same thing... so ill be alrite.

im gonna be workin 3:15 to 11:45... so ill get out of work, get home n smoke, then go to sleep... and its monday thru friday.. so i have the weekends off too! shits too sweet lol


Well-Known Member
hell yea i feel lucky, n im happy as hell!

its a company that builds diff types of circuit boards, for military devices, and medical devices... the work has to be done perfect.. shits kinda hard. i have to pass classes, and get certified in order to work. but i already did it for an old job doin the same thing... so ill be alrite.

im gonna be workin 3:15 to 11:45... so ill get out of work, get home n smoke, then go to sleep... and its monday thru friday.. so i have the weekends off too! shits too sweet lol
wow thats intense man!!
good luck man!!1 you deserve it =)