Has anyone used "predatory nematodes" to prevent budworms?


At least I think they are called budworms, but since last year there were bore holes in the trees where the little b*stard entered I think it's more like a borer of some kind. We have an outdoor grow.

I was thinking of using them pro-actively or as a prevention from it happening again. Not fun to lose a few branches just before harvest! I've read up about them and they sure seem to treat a lot of pests from gnats to root aphids and plenty of others as well as the borers.

They sound just great on paper, but I searched here at RIU and didn't find much info, so just wondering if anyone has experience they can share.

Thanks so much! Sapp :bigjoint:
you can definitely use nematodes since they are a parasite to any host(even humans so don't walk barefoot or spray uncovered) but idk how much time bud worms spend on the ground...if i remember correctly they get blown around in the wind and find a good plant to munch and then nests there. I don't think they have any need to be on the ground so it might be ineffective since nematodes can't jump. I would do more research on the natural predators of bud worms, i think certain types of wasps eat budworm but i cant remember the name. its a parasitic wasp though so like i said do more research on their natural predators. You usually can order the live predators and release them right away but check the temp/humidity to assure it is desirable for the predators natural habitat.
Thanks for your input! The info I have says you spray them on the soil, right, and I'm pretty sure they they burrow into the dirt, which is why they are effective for root aphids and such... I'm thinking having them in the soil will nip the borer larva problem in the bud, so to speak.

Oh crap - just re-read about the budworms being blown around... But I think the larva hatches in the ground, still, and it sounds like these little worms are pretty hungry hunters. LOL
just did a little reading and the larvae nest in the bark of trees over winter to hibernate and then feed there once summer hits where they grow to adults and fly to surrounding trees, reproduce, and restart the cycle. So i think your best bet is to find a natural predator to bud worms, what region are you in and do you know the exact species of budworm infesting the garden or have a pic?
i honestly dont think nematodes are gonna be your best bet for eliminating a non soil dwelling insect. Just think about it...

i would try praying mantis, they eat tons and are large enough to eat the bud worms

but if you can find a source for bold jumping spiders then i would get those(if you live in the US then you probably can find em in your back yard but you need like a hundred if you wanna release them so it might take a while). They prey exactly on the juvi budworms and even adult budworms, they are a great feeder and biological control. If you buy a male and a female though you can breed and produce hundreds of your own but that will take a little time to master just like anything