Has anyone?


Active Member
ever tried growing growing mushrooms with your weed? I.e. in the same container? me and my friend were high one day and discussing it. if you really think about it has some pros.

1. mycelia releases CO2 into the air through soil respiration and and weed releases oxygen. so in theory they would effectively feed each other.

2. mushrooms create microorganisms which are beneficial to weed.

...there were some other ones but sadly im not high enough to remember :/

can anyone think of some cons?
anything to add?


Well-Known Member
here's a CON bro: it wouldnt' work.

mushrooms are picky little bastards. good luck getting them to grow in a non-sterile environment. its a wonder they grow in mother nature at all.


Well-Known Member
you can use myccorizhae, mix it in the soil. For mushrooms you need a sterile medium growing mushrooms and weed are two totally different things.


Well-Known Member
I found some mushrooms growing in the container I had my weed in this summer, most likely because I used a lot of horse manure in that soil mix. I wasnt brave enough to eat them though, I don't like the idea of getting the wrong ones and slowly dying while puking and pissing blood while I wait for a kidney transplant.


Active Member
mushrooms grow wildly everywhere. including in the rainforest where there billions of types of bacteria and diseases. your environment doesnt have to be completely sterile just mostly ive seen mushrooms grown in an open container before so i dont think its completely impossible but you do bring up a good point.


Well-Known Member
na man its not possible. well they would grow but the part about having to be sterile that is because mushrooms are a fungus and magic mushrooms are connected to dangerous fungus so with it not being steril u will get these funguses that kill people so with it not being sterile ur mushrooms have a very big chance of becoming poisonus and on another term u ever scene fungus eat plants they kill the shit out of them so i would say and bud u get would become infected with fungus so ur whole grow would be fucked. sorry to dampen ur idea did have some upsides tho. could grow in same room tho just not near each other