Has Marijuana Helped You Come Off of Any Other Drugs?


Active Member
Just wondering since there are a lot of people who say it can help addiction... I believe it to a certain point, and I just want to see if there is anyone out there with some good stories.

You can also say if it has helped you stop smoking cigarettes, and in connection to this question... how many of you also smoke cigarettes as well as smoke weed?

Please let me know!! Thanks guys :) bongsmilie

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am an alcoholic (beer only) and when I smoke cannabis I drink less. My wife says much less.
I am not sure if it is because it takes away the cravings for beer or because it sometimes makes me forget to drink the beer. :)


Active Member
Just wondering since there are a lot of people who say it can help addiction... I believe it to a certain point, and I just want to see if there is anyone out there with some good stories.

You can also say if it has helped you stop smoking cigarettes, and in connection to this question... how many of you also smoke cigarettes as well as smoke weed?

Please let me know!! Thanks guys :) bongsmilie
Unfortunitly both, I thought once the herb was as plentiful as water it would help me cut back. Alas it did not and Ive always got one or the other hanging out of my mouth :-(


Well-Known Member
I've stopped smoking and reduced drinking since I've taken up smoking cannabis.

I think it's helped in reducing cravings.

I've also not done nearly as many hard drugs since I've taken up smoking more.


Well-Known Member
Good question. Gateway drug, Hell no. I started drinking before I tried anything else. Even then I was still scared of weed. Once I started smoking weed I no longer wanted to drink. I can't remember the last time I smoked all night and woke up sick and Hung over cause it doesn't happen. To say weed leads to other things is just stupid. A belief by people who have no clue or are just ignorant to marijuana. But cigarettes and weed do mix well if you like them. Yup, cigarettes and dope, mustard and bologna, and liquor and whores.


Active Member
IMO addiction is all in ones mind.
i agree but that's still no reason why marijuana can't help!! i think given certain circumstances, and even a couple recently in this post, marijuana can be a big help.. whether it be from keeping your mind off of your addiction or maybe even replacing the addiction with something new. i'm not really sure how it would work but it's probably different with everyone


Active Member
Good question. Gateway drug, Hell no. I started drinking before I tried anything else. Even then I was still scared of weed. Once I started smoking weed I no longer wanted to drink. I can't remember the last time I smoked all night and woke up sick and Hung over cause it doesn't happen. To say weed leads to other things is just stupid. A belief by people who have no clue or are just ignorant to marijuana. But cigarettes and weed do mix well if you like them. Yup, cigarettes and dope, mustard and bologna, and liquor and whores.
i honestly believe marijuana isnt a 'gateway drug' itself, but to the people who use it in that way it could be.... lets say someone very close to me passed away, and instead of getting over it i started smoking marijuana to 'help' the pain....that's only making it worse, because i still have all this stress on me that might have me end up trying other drugs because weed just won't cut it...

in which case i would agree with other people that smoking weed to get rid of something that's bothering you (other then physical pain, of course) is bad and would not recomend it.


Well-Known Member
Your right, I can't tell anyone how to deal with death or religion. Everyone see's and deals with it different. To sedate or hold in grief over the loss isn't healthy. It needs to be exposed and dealt with. I understand the need to "just not care for a little bit" in that sense. But what are they gonna do when the bottle is empty? Drugs should be used recreationaly to enjoy the company of good friends and celebration. Not to escape. But everyone deals with it differently. You started a great topic man!


Active Member
Your right, I can't tell anyone how to deal with death or religion. Everyone see's and deals with it different. To sedate or hold in grief over the loss isn't healthy. It needs to be exposed and dealt with. I understand the need to "just not care for a little bit" in that sense. But what are they gonna do when the bottle is empty? Drugs should be used recreationaly to enjoy the company of good friends and celebration. Not to escape. But everyone deals with it differently. You started a great topic man!
that's the way i see it too! and thanks :)


If cigs count yeah. I haven't smoked for a week and starting smoking or eating pot everyday and even though there's tobacco in my joints sometimes, I have no more urges to smoke a cig, like at all. This even worked when I had 3 days and only ate the pot in firecrackers. I can't tell you why really, but i'm likin it.