Well not exactly but kind of. It serves the same mind control function I suppose. When you can no longer trust yourself you give up and allow others to run your life for you.I just recently found out that the 12 step program is all about being "saved". What the fuck!
the history of the 12 steps programs (AA) where built around religion. its in there big book. the serenity prayer is there close to every meeting i have been too. god is the driving force behind the program. only within the last 10years or so did they start diverting away from the "god" aspect and switch to the "higher power". GOD is referenced 8 times in the twelve steps. NA (narcotics anonymous)and CA (cocaine anonymous) does not use these tactics. they use the steps but reword to higher power.I totally agree with you guys, except that I think some addicts truly do not possess the control or strength to break their addiction on their own. But to add to the bullshit, I just recently found out that the 12 step program is all about being "saved". What the fuck!
It seems like twelve step programs have to argue that they are not religious. Well there is some religious affiliation in their history. AA was founded by two men who were raised Christian. Therefore the "steps" and their proposed path of "recovery" is biased toward their own faith.the history of the 12 steps programs (AA) where built around religion. its in there big book. the serenity prayer is there close to every meeting i have been too. god is the driving force behind the program. only within the last 10years or so did they start diverting away from the "god" aspect and switch to the "higher power". GOD is referenced 8 times in the twelve steps. NA (narcotics anonymous)and CA (cocaine anonymous) does not use these tactics. they use the steps but reword to higher power.
i hope i am not coming off as intense. honestly i just have some hardcore thoughts on this subject, and really think the way addiction and mental health are dealt with today needs to change and fast. i just enjoy the dialog and like to debate a worthy subject. my cussing should only be a credit to the white trash in me and not anger.
high I am Diem and I'm a addict....an inanimate object has control over me. I am powerless over inanimate objects last night, the chair talked me into smoking the rug. Lets all blame the chair.
Thanks stoney, I was inspired by the incessant Jehovah's Witness' that continue to bother me. The don't get it, i'm not interested .NewGrowth, I like your sig.
Yes, 12 step programs are also bullshit.Herding folks into a group and treating each individual with the same cookie cutter program.All they want you to do is accept "Gawd" so you'll be scared of pissing him off and think of him before you start binging again.And these brainwashing programs are usually mandatory for drug offenders, even if you're not an addict.You have to say you are. http://www.12step.org/The-12-Steps.html This is the 12 step program.Putting your life in the hands of another is absolutely retarded.Once you're in the system, there is no getting out.Toughen up.You are the master of your destiny, the captain of your ship.Seize control.Don't let them have it.
Thanks stoney, I was inspired by the incessant Jehovah's Witness' that continue to bother me. The don't get it, i'm not interested .
I actually made a custom bumper sticker with that on there so they stop putting pamphlets about how homosexuality,sex, drugs, anything fun are all sins.
Don't get me wrong though I think 12 step programs do help some people. Some people need a good brainwashing . . . .![]()
As a Jehovah?I hear ya, I was raised as one.
As a Jehovah?![]()
No that's funny! Do you own a bike?Yeah.I've stated it before in other threads, I thought you knew?
No that's funny! Do you own a bike?
Awww I love my Jehovah Stoney, you can knock on my door I'll smoke you up
I have a morman roommate that is so sheltered that he has no idea what marijuana smells likeI smoke around him all the time he thinks I smoke menthol cigarettes.
I know stoney I was just messing with yaI'm not a Jehovah's Witness, I was just raised as one.Common sense has prevailed.Now I'm an Orthodox Antagonist.![]()
I know stoney I was just messing with ya
I like to mess with religious people more though, they are easier to get riled up![]()
Antagonist? your a devil worshiper?
that's the normal response right?
I worship the great mushroom AKA JesusAround here, yeah.You're either a Christian or a Devil Worshipper.