I feel compelled to give a brief description of addictions, and how they work
followed by some random babbaling, its pretty boring and long so, read at your own risk!
Addictions are a cause of a physical long term relationship with the neurons in your brain. when you constantly do something, you are constantly making the same neurons fire and in the same chain, This builds a long term memory between the neurons, this is why you feel the need to do things the way you do, whether you notice it or not. and for this reason people can be adicted to doing anything at all, but just because its an adiction dosnt mean its bad for you in any monitary or social way. However all your adictions will kill you, they are the reason we all die.
now for another tangent, Its about tolerance, and how it can kill you. I'm going to talk about marijuana tollerence, but this goes for all things... tollerable

, no seriously though, it goes for everything. you build up a tollerence because your whole body has billions and billions of receptors, these respetors are responisble for the intake of everything that enters your body, even mental things, a part of your brain stem is responisble for all the emotions you feel, and all your resperatory, and bodily functions, it does this by secreting proteins that are in a sence emotions, and orders, they get picked up by the reseptors all over your body, the same thing goes for anything you intake, they all have chemicals that will be recepted in our body like, vitamins, and other good stuff, along with some not so good stuff.
this is getting really long, need to be more to the point.
okay so with pot, their are 30 some psycoactive chemicals, that means these chemicals, such as THC, CBN, CBD are recpted by your receptors, ( I failed to mention, each receptor is responsible for recving only one kind of protein) some mimic natural proteins, this is esentialy what makes you high.
however the more you smoke the more you need to smoke to achieve maximum highness, the reason for this is because your reseptors are used to being bombarded with all these cannabinoids, they make more receptors of their own kind, this leads to a tollerence.
I've seen people build up quite the tollerence to pot, anger, depression, and it can happen to you!!!
I think I'm done...
wait no! okay here we go, now I said tolerences can kill you, this is because like I said before more receptors are being made for canabinoids, anger, coffee drinking, etc. etc. and less reseptors are being made for the thing you need to survive, all the vitamins, minerals and goodness responsible for keeping your hair colored, your bones strong, your heart pumping, and your skin youthfull.
now i'm done, I cant believe you read all that!