Has my cannabis use led to my IBS?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
We'll see I guess. I've never met my dealer, obviously don't know where my buds come from either. I live in NYC and have heard a lot of dealers use lead dust to get get more weight for sale. I also read in multiple sources that pesticides can lead to slow exposure to heavy metals through inhalation. Looking at this from a logical prospective, this is the last substance I use that most likely isn't clean. I've ruled everything else out, so by deduction it has to be related to my weed habit. Hopefully not, because I love the buds!
perhaps you should grow your own. you can control whats on the plant, you get to pick what, if any pesticide you use. not everything i use is omri certified, but most of it is, and i know whats in the things i use, there's nothing dangerous in any of it if its used properly

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I’m beginning to believe my cannabis use is also triggering IBS. I’ve tried every diet, removed all bad habits, and only when I stop smoking weed do my symptoms go away after a few weeks. Also, I think weed is causing anxiety for me cause I always think of terrifying things when I smoke.
Maybe you're smoking the wrong strains???

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I suffer with ibs ,what brought this on is I've had acid reflux so taking pills for this for years a lot of people end up with ibs ,that being said I've taking CBD for 6 months and my ibs is a lot better ,and I only take .2 of a ml 2 times a day ,I pay $90, 40 ml bottle last couple months hope this helps
I haven't tried this personally, but it's getting good reviews and might save you a little money.


New Member
Only way canna is gonna give you ibs is if you ate every carb and grain in sight while you got the munchies lol.

Check out mark Sisson on how he cured his own ibs with minor diet adjustments. Grain and simple sugars/carbs is the big one. Cheese itz and their cousins in the pressed flour food world are one of the major issues with ibs..

This is also leading to a ton of people thinking they have gluten sensitivity but just cutting gluten does nothing.... But cutting carbs does.
I understand that every individual is different and IBS can be caused by a multitude of reasons, but I couldn't disagree more. I changed to a pescatarian diet 5 months ago and saw no change whatsoever with my IBS. I stopped smoking 3 days ago and the bloating stopped almost instantly. My stool is semi-regular now but I'm seeing a huge improvement. I occasionally cheat with pizza on the weekends, which I did yesterday, and it didn't affect me NEARLY as bad as it did when I smoked. I mentioned before that I've had ever test done possible and found no clinical diagnosis. The last thing to stop was smoking (I don't smoke cigarettes), and I saw an instant improvement. Again, everyone is different, but maybe try stopping for a few weeks and see what happens.


Active Member
I have UC, which is a IBD and my gastroenterologist says smoking, vaping, eating, however you use cannabis has absolutely nothing to do with it. I didn't read all of these replies, but my condition as well as Crohn's are autoimmune disorders and diet, stress, all the drugs I did in college... have no relation. IBS is not IBD but it can be a precursor. I've been dealing with it(actually, it has been in remission and only has flared up twice) for 8 years. I have a medical card for epilepsy, but UC is another medical condition that has been a part of my treatment regiment. If you haven't, you should probably see a Gastro doc and get a colonoscopy to be certain. They can also advise you about any changes you could make in your ADL's to help keep you from progressing to something more serious. Good luck.


I read some articles about the effect of cannabis on the digestive system but they weren't credible enough. Actually, when such problems occur the best thing you can do is to visit a gastroenterologist. I see no better options than relying on a specialist.


Well-Known Member
Fuck Man!
I'm not sure whats what but let me share. I am a daily user for 15 years though the last 3 years I've been high mostly full time. By choice and I've never felt better. That is except for my stomach. It came on a couple years ago after a bad flu. Puking, shits, and lots of Ibprophen. Then my stomach never did feel better. Developed lactose intolerance, then H. Pylori. Its a bacteria and a class 1 carcinogen, but most people live with it in balance. My balance got thrown out and then fixed with antibiotics. I've had scopes and tests and my stomach is still this day sensitive. Though I've been dabbling with dairy lately but still.
I don't want it to be the thing that cures me....not my life medicine....


Well-Known Member
Theres starting to be more link between heavy users with symptoms of IBS or CHS and use of neem derived products.

I smoke about an oz a week and dealt with everything this thread talks about. Saw 2 different gastros and several other drs and none of them could help at all. Tested negative for everything multiple times and no medications were helping at all. Let them scope me mouth to asshole with biopsies along the whole way. Nothing. It just kept getting worse.
After I switched dispensaries and had a crop finish so I could smoke my own, almost all of my symptoms went away.

high acutance

Well-Known Member
I had IBSD for years, finally traced it to excess dairy. But I'm not saying that's your issue. However, an allergy rotation diet is the first thing I'd try with regard to diet. Then I recommend a stool analysis from an advanced lab that can detect parasites and microbes from their DNA. Most local labs just look through a microscope for eggs. They are famous for missing quite widespread parasites such as giardia. The stool analysis will show if you have excess yeast or other microbiome issues. As mentioned, Google "cannabinoid hyperemisis." Unfortunately, with our medical system you need to become your own doctor. Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
Go vegan. Not for a week, but for months. Only drink clean water and green/white tea. If that doesn't help then it's not your diet.


Well-Known Member
My IBS went away completely after my appendix burst and was removed. Go figure, had ibs my entire adult life and after the appendix was removed nothing but normal bowel movements, maybe they knocked something else around but whatever occurred it was a very happy side effect.