Well-Known Member
Not even remotely close.This is a free market world, and this is what the free market has gotten us.
Not even remotely close.This is a free market world, and this is what the free market has gotten us.
"Each side" ? That implies that there are two sides. I think we agree there are two sides, but not on what they are. There are those that support liberty and those that don't. Both major political parties are on the SAME side, they don't support liberty.the moronicism from each side seems to be the buffer to tyranny lately. there have been studies on how social media and sites like this tend to divide people, too. part of the problem lies within each of us.
you fucking shithead.
and theres where youre once again wrong. they ARE that simple.I'm at work, I don't have time to address the different comments, but wikipedia has a very basic outline of collective anarchism, it's hard to find an unbiased source (especially from the left). If you want a more in depth explanation, in the age of google it's not difficult to find. Btw, Keynes I read your posts and again you could not be more wrong. The social systems are not that simple and I think you know that, you just choose to purport the Limbaugh view of the left.
I don't enjoy arguing, especially when it's pointless, so take what I've said for what it's worth.
It is a free trade world. You need to decide on the Tarriff questions but the world is open for business. And only one reason for that. We borrow China gold to protect the sea lanes for all the world trade to benefit.
It goes to shit in a hurry, if we don't do that and if the British and Dutch before them, did not protect the trade routes.
Pirates. Gee wiz, still a pirate problem today. Imagine if we didn'tpatrol the sea. Someone else will have to.
ohh so you were talking about mussolini being thrown out of the communist club...You were talking about Mussolini, and so was I. I don't know why you're trying to pin what I said on Trotsky.
Oh man you have so much wrong in there. I'm not in the company of people like Pol Pot or Castro. They're not communists. Neither is China. I know that's hard for you to understand, nor will you ever understand it, because you don't want to. These are all very different ideologies that share words. That doesn't make them the same. You don't understand the differences. And that's okay. I'm not going to waste 15 minutes explaining something to you that you won't understand nor do you want to understand. But if anything I say gets through to you, I hope it's this: You are wrong about a lot of the things you said. If you truly care about being right, it might be worth revisiting those topics with an open mind. I used to be a right winger, so I know how hard it is. Good luck.
actually, that was the first result that comes up when googling "conspiracy theorist".This sums up uncleschmucks views, bilderbergs are a loser in a basement, keep dreaming merican..
But, they had the magic paper. The Letters of Marque. Just a filthy pirate to rot in chains, otherwise.Governments are the worst pirates. You might want to see who sponsored Privateers.
ohh so you were talking about mussolini being thrown out of the communist club...
mussolini was part of the Comintern all the way up till the start of the war when he broke with stalin over Greman Nazism, NOT over disagreements over the nature o communism or socialism, since stalin and mussolini were on the same page.
trotsky was the one drummed out of the communist party when the communist party stopped being about communism and became about a socialist power grab.
if you knew what communism is, and how socialism fits into the marxist plan you would make more sense to those of us who have studied this issue, and know what the words mean.
case in point:
china is a socialist nation. i never claimed they were communist, since i KNOW WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN.
other socialaists who believe the waay you do, which is socialism for the plebs, but capitalism for the elite aparatchiks:
fidel castro
the kim dynasty
pol pot
ayatollah khomeni
saddam hussein
kofi "Oil For Food" anan
hugo chavez
augusto pinoche
dominique strauss khan (international banker AND socialist firebrand, lulz)
barack hussein obama
the vietnamese communist party (but ho chi minh was a reluctant socialist)
the talibs in afghanistan
the mexican Seven Families
and many many more.
each and every one embraces a mix of communist theory with just a splash of capitalism (mostly for those on top, very little for the masses of plebs) and enforces that economic plan with the power of the government they control, suppressing dissent, and taking from those who dare to get just a little too successful.
so yeah, youre a fascist.
you just dont know what fascism is, you think it's nazism.
how sad.
I disagree that nations have self interests. Individuals have self interest. Nations have lots of people, and many different points of view.But, they had the magic paper. The Letters of Marque. Just a filthy pirate to rot in chains, otherwise.
Don't leave port without it!
You are making the point by trying to side step. It WE didn't twist the fuck-ed system. The system would twist us.
See, I'm not into right and wrong. Nations don't even have friends. Nations have self-interest. WE the People type, self preservation, interests. It is not a theory and these theories are never completely emplaced. They morph into tyranny before the ink is dry. Anything that is against self interest is just a theory. Even Liberty, such as it is, seems like tyranny to some. We have a 10 yr Census. But, "census taking" by forced entry, in the middle of the night is tyranny, for a tiny example.
And since we are engaged in self government, for you to say any of this is against our National Self Interest, is just your theory. You are not privy to what are the current details of the actual interests of the USA. You are not read in on the decision making.
We are warring with Iran. The 5 types of spy are working in high gear. Operational deception is the standing Order.
There is no way we can second guess. It would not be even be a guess.
and israel cracked up.I disagree that nations have self interests.
Do ALL the people in Israel think alike? That seems almost...like you are being a collectivist there Mr. Archie Bunker.and israel cracked up.
you so funny, rachel.
I dunno but the mayor of new york has proven to be tyrannical.
Not only is he not embarassed by what the judges said when tossing out his beverage size ban, he vows to fight them on appeal.
I guess focusing on stupid shit is easier than actually fixing major problems.
Sorry, I'm not talking theory. WE had self interest. We didn't like tea, all that much. We banded together and we consituted a govt and we vote and elect and follow the constitution as best WE can. The good of the many and the good of the few is always part of the struggle.I disagree that nations have self interests. Individuals have self interest. Nations have lots of people, and many different points of view.
You normally keep enemy combatants at gunpoint, that looks like Iraqi Army. It was still nice of him to give him water. Please use your words, and not just pictures.ALSO:.....![]()
The Americans weren't drafted, they knew the risks.^^^ Two guys that are being used as pawns.