Has the marijuana movement outgrown Marc Emery?


Well-Known Member

I can't seem to post the audio file but it's at the link above.

Vancouver, BC, Canada / (CKNW AM) AM980
Anna Kalfa
April 21, 2015 03:33 pm
Step aside Marc, you’re not doing the movement any favours

On Monday, CKNW’s Simi Sara spoke with Marc Emery aka the ‘Prince of Pot’ about his first 4/20 event after being released from a U.S. prison. During his interview, Emery thanked the city for helping him organize the event and spoke about motivating the pot smoking masses to vote for the federal Liberal party.

Macr Emery overlooks the 4:20 celebration in Vancouver (2015)
However, it was his comments to CKNW reporter Shelby Thom at the 4/20 event later that day that have many people shaking their heads and questioning whether it’s time for the Prince of Pot to be dethroned.

After making his speech at the massive 4/20 event, Emery told Thom that he had no issue with people who drive while high, AND no issue with young kids smoking marijuana, saying “marijuana is completely safe”, and “it’s not going to hurt young people”.

Listen to everything he had to say about driving high and teens smoking pot

(1:10 – 4:45)

Meg Sanders runs one of the most successful medical marijuana companies in the US.
Meet the medical marijuana CEO of the future

Tuesday, Simi compared Emery to another advocate of the legalization of marijuana, saying that Emery is not the face that this movement needs anymore, but rather we need our own Meg Sanders-like figure in Canada.

Meg Sanders is the CEO of Gaia Plant Based Medicine, one of the most successful medical marijuana companies based in Denver Colorado.

Sanders has dispensary locations throughout the states, she is an Executive Board Member for Cannabis Business Alliance (CBA), a member of the Chambers of Commerce in each of her license locations in Colorado, and she recently served as the only industry representative appointed to Governor Hickenlooper’s 24-Member Amendment 64 Task Force, charged with implementing the adult recreational use of marijuana.

[Listen to the 60 Minutes feature on Sanders in the second half of the audio file above (06:40 - 09:06))]

She takes a completely different approach to the legalization movement, and it seems to be gaining traction in the race to legalize and capitalize on what was once known as the “evil weed”. Perhaps it’s time for the movement in Canada to get past the basement “hotbox” mentality, and move this movement into the present day with a more measured, realistic and healthy approach to the legalization debate.
I have said this before...it's not how things are it's how they look...I don't like that we have to play this game and those were really stupid things for him to say at this time...his arrogance won that one.
While I admit he has done a lot in years past to fight for the legalization of pot. The guy is a complete tool, and out to fucking lunch. I've unfortunately gotten stuck talking/smoking with him a few times and it's almost unbearable.
Thank you for your honesty....lots will not say what they feel on this subject....this is sort of a breath of fresh air....
never been a fan of him
but i don't see how someone just capitalizing on marijuana is any better?
she sounds like just the southern version of our LP's - admittedly i'd never heard of her, and just did a bit of reading now.

i dunno, will say atleast marc puts himself out there for the plant he loves, not for any personal gains (granted he did get them too)
..he could've easily went quietly into the night and just sat back profiteering off of it, like many -who are now apparently the good ones.
From a medical marijuana point of view, he is toxic. No big help to the legalization movement either with those comments. People like him just give the Harperites ammunition to energize their base against the inevitable. Driving high and pot to minors, really? Smart, real damn smart Marc ...
I never had an opinion of him till his selling seeds to US fiasco. He played with fire thinking he was someone special that wasn't touchable. He was selling illegal items to a country where is was illegal. That country had every right to stop him from doing it. I think he was an idiot for doing how he did it and should have used a proxy business/shipper to send them there. Don't feel bad for him going to jail for poking a regime that goes around destroying other countries in the name of democracy.

Having said that I do think it was wrong for him to be extradited or even charged in Canada and that it should have never happened or happened under Canadian laws.
lol dizzy I disagree, hes a wild guy that thinks hes untouchable!
I think we need someone who is not arrogant or ignorant saying dumb things, kids don't need weed unless they are sick.
20 yrs old, you do what you want. before that, try and get some knowledge before becoming a rec smoker.
and since he started he has made $$$$, and even in jail his company, selling seeds still and prob partners with dana in the eden dispensary + others, hes still making millions, just not in his name. sure he donated a lot to the cause, but it needs to be regulated a bit or it wont become legal.
I guess I love harper, lol fuck harper
we don't need a gotti to legalise MJ, marcs face is now tainted as a worldly criminal of pot
Marc is a god damned national treasure and anyone who doesn't agree is a Harper loving fascist.
Marc had his 15 minutes, and did help bring attention to our legalization fight. A "national treasure"? I don't think so. The guys sounds like a 20 year old stoner kid instead of a mature adult. He's like that creepy old man who bootlegs for kids to make 'friends'. Admitting you smoke with minors and arguing that driving while impaired is somehow acceptable among mature adult users is doing more to harm our efforts to end prohibition than help it. He needs to stop talking and let the grownups handle it from here. As for me being a "Harper loving fascist"...those are fighting words, my friend. I think they both need to shut their cake holes and ride off into the sunset.
Jesus people, it was a joke. You all know I think Marc is a borderline child predator.

I'd have to agree with this. First time I met him I was 20, my wife was 18. He walks up with a big 5' bong and introduced himself to us, focusing his attention mainly on my old lady and just being a creep in general. After bragging about who he is and what he does, he asks her if she wants a toke from his bong (he didn't ask anyone else), she reluctantly says sure. Well this fucking guy gets down on his knees tucks the bong between his legs, Damn near under his taint, grabs the shaft like his cock and tells her to put her mouth on it. I literally burst out laughing and told him to get fucked and go live out his sexual bong fantasy elsewhere.