Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Hell yeah check out bubble man too! He makes some sick nasty dry sift and is really good with cameras so hes able to capture the real quality of it.
I only had to wait to enjoy my concentrates the first time, which was the beginning of last year. I havn't ran out since which means no waiting to enjoy deliciousness :).

Sir Dabs, thats some beautiful shatter there my friend! I traded a guy a gram of my stuff for some shatter he had earlier today. It wasn't as pretty as yours :). I'm prolly gonna trade it off to another friend, it was mediocre.
Probably a trim run TC.

And thats where ive gotten too as well. Makin so much of it by the time im runnin low theres some sittin in the chamber purgin haha.
I have 2 or 3 tutorials i've posted. Shrug. Top screen is between 60 and 80 lpi, bottom between 70 and 100. Feel free to experiment.

While we are at it, let's invite Sam in here to explain his secret to cleaning up dirty sift quickly and such to an amazing quality..

I know it involves static and the tapping of something, but who knows what he's doing. Maybe Frenchy can tell us how he's doing it..
Thank you sooooo much War!!!!

” Air Rep”
To you as well...I just woke up, gonna make my morning forum rounds and watch this on my television.....
I've got Directv, can enter the exact name of the clip and I can watch in 47” in HD.. rather than the phone screen.

Thanks again, but somehow I have the feeling I'll be watching many Weed Nerd Episodes today..

I've also got about a lb of sugar leaf , not as frosty as a page back by any means, but probably worth sieving in water.

But the material I have in my” scrap jar” is packed full of giant heads, I try to not even move that jar, like shaking of any kind.

Even though I'm very gentle, the damn heads always end up clinging to the wall/bottom of the jar.

perhaps this is why DSW uses paper bags?

you already know I've watched and read your tutorials brotha, a few times each even.

But, I don't have a set of screens.

My inquiry regarding teaching us a thing or two about this was in regards to those of us that haven't bought a set of sieving screens.

But..tell ya what..
Fuck it....

I'm pick up a set of your screens...

I reckon I can google your SN and find them?

Posting on cannabis forums is the only” Social Media” I partake in, no IG or FB..
They're overpriced? They're cheaper than anyone else selling screens to do this basically.. even the cheap boxes that are made from cheap model wood and have screens that aren't taught are close to that price in stores, and they suck. You are more than welcome to go buy a bunch of screens and experiment if you think it's that much cheaper however. Just know that you won't be purchasing the LPI i'm using, I had them made for me in certain sizes.

My smallest kit is 110.. is anyone else selling entire kits to do this that cheap? Last I looked even the little 'boxes' were close to that price in most stores, lol.. single screen, or even 2 or 3.. metal, not taught, made of balsa model wood.. yeah...

I use paper bags to dry and cure my product in (leaf, buds) because not only does it wick it dry quicker and keep it that way, but as pointed out the trichs don't stick to the bag. Once they're stuck there (jars) you might as well kiss them goodbye w/o soaking the jar in a solvent. Glass is porous, and i'm not a fan at all of curing my stuff outside of 'smoking' nugs in them. I hate, HATE making sift on a mirror and refuse to do it anymore, or on any type of glass or surface like that which is 'sticky' to the touch.

SirDabs - PM Incoming..
maybe im cheap, probably so..
but im still going to purchase them eventually
you are right these smoke shops don't sell anything of quality regarding dry sift
just curious have you sold any kits to any smokeshops..?

actually just checked again prices aren't that bad lmao!
3 screens, and a usb scope for $200 not to bad at all

I guess its just the fact that ive already bought 3 different screens you recommended, is why I still haven't pulled the plug

will I notice that much of a difference with the new sizes...?
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Probably a trim run TC.

And thats where ive gotten too as well. Makin so much of it by the time im runnin low theres some sittin in the chamber purgin haha.

I think thats exactly it BB. It tastes like either trim, or like someone BHO'd some regular mid grade weed.
I; Sir dabs, hereby retract my statement of the price of DSW's kits

135$ for a pre-fabbed set of screens that work that efficiently with a USB scope.....

Sounds like a good deal, considering the competition...

Everything else I looked at ..
At least 200$ and up, with no scope and no validation that they work.

At least we know his screens have proven results... Not just pics from him, but others that have purchased his screens.

I'm buying a set, gotta get clearance from the wife of course.
But I'm pretty damn sure I'm ordering.
Thanks guys.. Texas THC.. I am not sure if you bought from the ICM thread, but yeah.. i've refined it a bit since then. It will work a bit better.. but if you're having good results from what you're already using, stick with it.

Honestly i'd say the biggest issue I come across is that stuff people are trying to run just isn't dry enough. People are getting their trim pretty dry, but the nug that is still left is supppper moist still.. when you twist a nice sized bud, it should literally poof into dust.. like you left it out in the sun for a week type dry.. most don't do that, and in some parts of the world it's really tough. I always suggest a dehumidifier for those who have access to one.. in a paper bag, in the closet, turn that puppy on and let it go overnight.

I kinda relate it to making ice wax with no ice.. if the stuff isn't brittle (i.e. dry) then the resin is going to be tougher to recover clean. You want it as dry and brittle as humanly possible w/o freezing it. I've done it a couple times and the leaf broke up soo much more, it was like dry ice kief.. not very clean, but pretty.

As for the shops, yeah my buddies shop here in Nor.Cal carries them and so do a couple other places locally. Cheers.
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yea I bought from the Icmag thread
im happy with them for the most part
my only problem is I wish I would've got bigger frame sizes

I do still have the same problems every now and then with my material not being dry enough, maybe I will get a dehumidifier..
the other day I left a brown paper bag in my car, worked pretty nicely on a hot Tx day

awesome man, ive already got quite a few friends interested in it
the down side for you is when I show them how easy it is they just want to use them real quick instead of buying their own lol
Can someone put up a link to these screens. all I have been able to find is bubblemans screens for $180 with no scope.
Had to post this pic of some more of the Cheese Shatter...

This is the most epic strain I've ever had the pleasure of extracting...

Death Valley *Swiss*Cheese